Sunday, February 2, 2025

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Xplosion Write-Up: A Happy Storie

Well, this is a bit different. Something that isn’t involving the Women of Honor from Rhys!

I have been trying to catch up with the wrestling world as of late, and somehow, I came across Impact Wrestling’s new network service, the Global Wrestling Network. I haven’t subscribed to it yet, but there are some free view matches on there. Some past Impact’s/GFW’s, and also Xplosion episodes.

So I was randomly shuffling through them, and oddly enough, one caught my attention as it involved the Knockouts, or at least one signed knockouts and someone looking to be part of the Division. On the September 30th 2017 edition of Xplosion, Ava Storie aka Kayci Quinn (still prefer that name honestly sorry), aka Brandi Lauren, faced off against Amber Nova.

So even though it’s nearly a month since this happened, I may as well cover it right? Give a bit of exposure to women who got get as much time on Impact themselves. Well, other than losing to everyone else sadly. But lets see who from these two will end up scoring their first Impact victory!

Amber played the villainess while Ava was much more receptive from the Impact Zone. We had a guest ring announcer and time keeper in the form of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America organisation, which I thought was cute.

The match itself was fine, showing bits of impressive manouvres from both women that we don’t see as much from them when they’re being squashed by Taya Valkyrie or other women. The was mention of Ava’s Forces of Nature photoshot from the past, in which Ava depicted ‘Earth’.

The match came to an end when Ava countered a top move rope from Nova. She got the submission victory after locking in a Double Underhook Crossface. The two shook hands after match, which was a nice bit of sportswomanship.

Thoughts: This needs to happen more often honestly. By this I mean showcasing talent who aren’t featured as much on the main Impact shows, getting victories on Xplosion matches. Now we only sadly get one new Xplosion match every episode with other segments. Mainly a random piece on someone current, a previous Impact show match, and a past match from the TNA/Impact/GFW library. It’s also because they don’t record many Xplosion matches during the actual Impact tapings in advance.

I think Xplosion could do with some more matches on their weekly shows, at least two. I mean they have the Global Wrestling Network now, people can watch past matches from their library.

It also gives exposure to women who aren’t used efficiently on television. Whether signed to the company (Ava) or not (Amber). It could also maybe be a good way for others to come back. (Those MIA posters are still going around for Alisha Edwards and MJ Jenkins. Maybe Hania and Kiera Hogan could have matches on there when/if they ever debut, and Diamante when she recovers from her injury?

Either way, this was a nice change of pace. It’s always good to see different faces competing against one another. Hopefully we get to see more of this on future Xplosion shows, or heaven forbid… the main Impact shows! *GASP*

But what do you guys thing? Did either Ava or Amber impress you here? Would you like to see more Knockouts featured on Xplosion? Let us know in the comments section!

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