Friday, July 26, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Bringing Back Former Knockouts

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Rumors say that TNA might be bringing back some former Knockouts. Who do you want to see return to TNA? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Angel Rose: Rosie Lottalove. They could have used her way better instead of making her look like a joke. Cookie (Becky Bayless) had charisma so it would be nice to see her back also.
  • Ashley Matthew: Shelly Martinez aka Salinas. I always thought she deserved more during her time in TNA. It would be great to see Lizzy Valentine and Hannah & Holly Blossom make returns to TNA too. I also wouldn’t mind seeing SoCal Val, Chelsea and Leticia Cline return as interviewers or valets. I’d like to see Lacey Von Erich return as a valet too.
  • @BaneofWrestling: I loved Hamada‘s work in the ring so I’ll say her.
  • Bryan Corley: THE FUTURE LEGEND Alissa Flash!
  • Christina Ruvoldt: Angelina Love was my 1st thought. Also Roxxi, always loved her when she was in TNA.
  • Dave Muscarella: Cheerleader Melissa, Mickie James, Hamada, Awesome Kong, Nikki Roxx, Sarita would all be great to see again but I am sure none of them will be back for various reasons.
  • David Foster: Sarita and Rosita as faces, Mickie James and Sojo Bolt as heels please
  • Erin A Porter: Even though TNA and Daffney ended really poorly, I would LOVE to see her again.
  • @headoverfeetx: Jacqueline!
  • @Jaffney_Quinn: My top picks would be Shelly Martinez, Taylor Wilde, Sarita and Kong. But Saritaylor are the only ones I could see happening.
  • John Dern: Without a doubt, Angelina Love.
  • Matthew Brown: Mickie James. That’s all.
  • @numero0047: Awesome Kong! It’s been we’ll over 5 years since we’ve seen Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong in a TNA ring! Would love to see the two women who made the Knockouts Division “Must See TV” go at it one more time!
  • Oliver James Mcgregor: I would love for Thea Trinidad (Rosita) to return, so much untapped potential, oh & of course Lacey Von Erich in a non wrestling role, that girl had tons of charisma!
  • @rafeclarke123: Winter definitely.
  • Randi Parker: Rosita or Thea Trinidad, they never capitalized on her potential, she was so under used!
  • Yuna Zoey: I think Angelina is the most likely candidate to return, most of the old KO’s released have left the company on bad terms, mainly Roxxi, Kong/Kharma & Daffney. Other candidates I think are possible are Winter, Traci Brooks and Sojo Bolt. I don’t see Tara, Mickie, Taeler Hendrix, Jacqueline, Taylor Wilde, Lacey or Cookie returning.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! Which former Knockouts should return?

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