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Chelsea Green shares her experience from working for different promotions

Chelsea Green recently spoke with Women’s Wrestling Weekly to discuss all things wrestling, her engagement to Zack Ryder and much more.

Green has a very interesting outlook having wrestled for Lucha Underground, TNA, AEW, and NXT, giving this interview some fascinating insight. Check out the exerts below;

She first discusses her brief moment in Lucha Underground to where she didn’t need to sign a contract.

On her Lucha Underground Experience;

“So, I got really lucky and I didn’t have to sign a contract. I wasn’t willing to do, I wasn’t willing to sign my life away. I was 27 years old and I didn’t want to sign a 3-7 year deal and that’s what I was being offered. I felt so lucky because I kept jumping back and forth in my head, “Do I do it or do I not?”

Photo Credit: Lucha Underground
Photo Credit: Lucha Underground

Any girl in the wrestling industry would jump at that opportunity but I knew that there was something else around the corner for me and I wanted to wait. So I went in there essentially I did two weeks and that was it… I knew in my heart that I’m set… I’m going to take all the opportunities I can get in 2018 and I’m not going to jump on anything that I’ve done in the past…..”

Green was part of a unique experience with the All In wrestling event. In an event that is really considered all of its own, four of the biggest names on the indie scene got together in order to prove why women’s wrestling is firmly on the map.

On her All In Experience;

“Our goal was going into it. We went into and we were like going balls to the walls no matter what. I knew Tessa, Britt was like that but we didn’t really speak to Madison all that much about it yet…. I was like we are going to have to get Madison on board but she was on the same train. When we wall met the night before and chatted about it and had some wine it all kind of together and I can’t even tell you the way that crowd treated us. I feel like we gave something to the crowd but the crowd gave so much to us because they reacted to everything single thing that we had hoped they’d react to but tenfold, like so much better than I could have imagined.”

Photo Credit:
Photo Credit:

“We did go in there thinking everyone is bowing down to these WWE girls but we need to show them that we can do the same thing, we just aren’t on the same platform but this is our platform, so we have to do this. Now, we have to walk the walk. There was a lot of pressure…. We were standing backstage in the bathroom backstage…. At one point, we were like, we’re about to go out there and do the biggest and best show that we’ve ever been or possibly will ever be in. It was such a crazy moment….. It didn’t matter who won or who lost. None of us cared. We all planned the match and we didn’t plan a finish and we waited and waited. We got the finish that day. We were so excited to do this and it was us four and everything went off without a hitch.”

After the All In event it was rumored that Green may be making her way to WWE. She had made appearances for the organization before and was even part of their Tough Enough program. She discusses the moment she knew she was going to NXT and how that announcement occurred and the complications she faced.

Her WWE NXT announcement

“I knew that All In would be my last indie match. I couldn’t tell anyone so I told a few people but I really just wanted to let everyone know and in the crowd but I obviously couldn’t I was contacted around the summer kind of around July or whenever the Mae Young classic was. We were hoping I would be signed for the Mae Young classic but I was having visa issues. It just wasn’t happening.”

Photo Credit:
Photo Credit:

“The Canadian coming into America thing was very difficult, the end of September I was having visa issues. That process takes such a long time…  already started in the summer but we have to keep pushing my start dates like three times. I started in October but was starting to start earlier than that. There’s a few things I can’t get out of so I can’t start before October 1st.”

Her first day at the WWE Performance Center

“So that was the beginning of October first week, around the 6th or the 7th OMG, I was so nervous. I was so nervous because I felt like you know just coming off All-In. I didn’t have a target on my back but I really had to perform. Because I just had this amazing match and we are doing all of these new drills and things I don’t know how to do really….

All I could do was try my best. The first day at the performance center they put me straight into a class and straight into training. No orientation, nothing, and I was the only girl starting that day.”

Check out the full interview on Women’s Wrestling Weekly official YouTube channel.

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