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Diva Dirt Style Jury: Week of March 22nd, 2010

Divas beware, we judge what you wear! Welcome to the Diva Dirt Style Jury. We compile the looks from the week gone by and mark each look on a scale of 1-10. At the end of the scoring, we work out the combined score for each look and the Diva with the highest combined score is our winner and the Diva with the lowest combined score is our loser.

A few rules: We only judge outfits/ring attire that we haven’t judged before or we have already seen several times on TV before. If a Diva is seen in more than one outfit in any given week, we mark them as ‘#1’, ‘#2’ and so forth.

So, let the proverbial runway show begin!

Cryssi: Hmm, I’m torn on this. It’s one of those outfits that I can’t decide if I like or not. I think that on someone else, this might be an epic fail. But Alicia is so naturally gorgeous that she pulls off the top better than almost anyone could. It’s actually a simple look, but that’s never a bad thing I suppose. Love her hair this week as well. 6.5/10
Melanie: I really, really love this top on Alicia. It’s a little complicated looking but Alicia is slender and model-esque enough to pull it off. I love the colours and the detailing. The neckline just avoids being trashy. My only gripe would be Alicia’s hair, the braids don’t look great. 8/10
Steven: Not usually a fan of the big, billowy top, but manages to make it work. I love the color as well. Also, props to Alicia for getting a half decent weave, but the braids across the forehead have got to go. 7/10

Cryssi: Eve can rock silver and it’s not really a color for everyone. I don’t like this one as much as some of her other outfits, but it isn’t bad. The black detailing is what’s throwing me off, but what else can really go with silver? Don’t really like her boots either with this outfit. Of course, if not for the black accents she’d probably end up looking like the Silver Surfer so I’ll just stop and give a rating. 5/10
Melanie: I don’t know what it is but something about this particular ring attire captivates me. The silver looks amazing on Eve. 7/10
Steven: Eve’s ring gear has always been rather hit or miss for me, but I’m absolutely loving this one. I’m particularly partial to powder blue, so that’s definitely one of my favorite things about this outfit. My only complaint is the silver shorts. This look could have been so much better if the shorts matched the top. 8/10

Read on for more of this week’s outfits and to see who’s been branded our winner and loser.

Cryssi: I love this. It’s cute, young, and fun. Kelly looks very age appropriate in short, denim shorts and a simple black tank. The belt really jazzes up the outfit and her hair is so pretty. I find myself rarely disagreeing with Kelly’s fashion choices because out of all the divas, she has one of my favorite styles. Kelly gets it right with her simple outfit, and it fits for the time of the year especially since Raw was in Cali this week and it’s warm there right now. 9/10
Melanie: This was a cute, youthful look from Kelly. I particularly like the hair. It’s nothing too earth-shattering however. 6/10
Steven: Looks like K2 got some inspiration from Lay-Cool’s fashion faux pas last week, but I have to say it’s executed way better. The daisy dukes may be a little too short (This is PG TV after all), but otherwise a good look. 6.5/10

Cryssi: I’ve yet to see a color that doesn’t suit Michelle and purple is no exception. It’s not my favorite Michelle outfit but it’s right up there. She rarely does wrong when it comes to fashion in my opinion and whenever she pulls her hair back like that, it just makes her even more gorgeous. Good job, Michelle! 8/10
Melanie: Michelle just pops in purple and I have always loved when she wore in the past so I’m glad she’s now wearing a purple version of this attire. Her hair also looks super cute tied like that.. 7/10
Steven: I don’t know what Michelle was going for with that vest, but I don’t like it at all. It clashes horribly with her purple gear. Maybe if she had worn it with her black gear, it would have looked better. 3/10

Cryssi: This look for Mickie didn’t work for me. I don’t think the top flattered her at all. I didn’t like her hair or make-up, but the jewelry, jeans, and what I can see of the shoes look pretty good. Mickie is usually hit or miss, and for me this was a miss. The top just isn’t my cup of tea. 5/10
Melanie: This is a cute look from Mickie. The jeans look great and her hair looks nice, however, I’m not completely loving the top. It just looks blah and the colour doesn’t help. Not a huge fan of the long, dangly earrings here either.5/10
Steven: Thank God! Mickie has dropped the cowgirl themed tops and opted for something a bit more practical. This is actually the best I’ve seen Mickie look in a long time. The jeans and white top look is simple but the gold embroidery and matching accessories really make it pop. Absolutely stunning. 10/10

Cryssi: Is there anyone more adorable than Savannah right now? Every single week she makes great choices and she’s just drop dead gorgeous. I love everything about Savannah and that includes her fashion choice of the week. She wears a great little black dress with just enough design on it to make it stand out and not be boring. Her jewelry is simple, but it works with this simple look. I admire someone who can look so effortless. 9/10
Melanie: Very cute. Savannah always dresses well for her body and knows what colours work for her. The earrings look beautiful. 8/10
Steven: Savannah has been quite the roll in the fashion department, but I don’t know how to feel about this look. I can’t quite tell if it’s a top with a really short skirt or just a really long top. She doesn’t look horrible but she definitely isn’t up to her usual standard.. 6/10

So, how did the girls score? Let’s put our scores through our highly scientific “Ensemble Classification Calculationomagraphier”® and see who we’ve deemed this week’s winner and loser. The following is in ascending order by their calculated score:

Michelle McCool: 18/30
Eve Torres: 20/30
Mickie James: 20/30
Kelly: 21.5/30
Savannah: 23/30
Alicia Fox: 24.5/30

LOSER: MICHELLE MCCOOL. The Women’s Champion is bottom of the pile though it’s fair to say all the looks were great this week but someone had to lose.

WINNER: ALICIA FOX. Alicia’s gamble paid off with this sassy top

Vote for your favourite look from this week below:

Thoughts? Complaints? Conspiracy theories? As always, let us know in the comments!

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