Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Elektra Lopez aligns with Legado del Fantasma to even the odds with Hit Row

Legado del Fantasma has now equaled the playing field when it comes to their rivalry with Hit Row and the equalizer is Elektra Lopez.

Legado del Fantasma and Hit Row have been having a heated rivalry for a few weeks now which has involved personal attacks and even an all-out brawl in the parking lot. B-FAB has never been shy from helping out her Hit Row family. In fact, last week, she was in the mix with a lead pipe in hand.

This week, in the main event, the two teams faced off in a six-man tag team match with B-FAB at ringside. Only this time, it was no longer 4 against 3. Elektra Lopez emerged to confront the woman of Hit Row.

As the referee was attending to Isaiah Swerve Scott in the ring, B-FAB took advantage and drove Santos Escobar into the ring post on the outside. She starts trash-talking Escobar but as she turns around, Lopez is behind her who then takes her out with a lead pipe to the midsection.

Lopez tosses the pipe into the ring and Scott catches it right in front of the official. This distraction led to Escobar sneaking in with a roll-up to get the win for Legado del Fantasma. The group with Lopez now added stands on the stage to end the show as Hit Row is reeling in the ring.

Lopez signed with WWE under their NXT brand earlier this year and has only made one prior appearance. Her debut match was against Franky Monet in a losing effort.

What do you think about Lopez being added to Legado del Fantasma? Are we going to finally get to see B-FAB get in the ring? Leave your thoughts below.

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