Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Eve is Perfection in Pink

Eve Torres is barely on my radar – in fact, I thought she was on ECW for some time. Someone had to correct me, informing me that she was actually on SmackDown. Now, I’m not the most attentive person, but that says volumes about how Eve is used on TV. It makes one wonder why they insist on continuing with the Diva Search if their winners do next to nothing on TV while “training” behind the scenes. Seems pointless to me to hire girls that require at least 2 years of training to be anywhere near TV-ready. Just hire proven wrestlers and you skip a step!

But anywho, I’m really liking this shoot – Eve looks quite pretty. Perhaps that’s why it’s called “Perfect in Pink”? That shade of pink suits her, I’d say, and the gold accessories work as well. Eve seems to be very good at not looking “drag queen-esque”, as many a Diva has fallen victim to. So to recap, she looks pretty, but can’t do much aside from hold a microphone. Yep, sounds like that Diva Search investment is paying off!


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