We’ve had a couple of months downtime, but we’ve not been resting on our laurels – as we return with one of our biggest guests yet, recent WWE “Anti Diva” Serena Deeb! A nicer person you could not hope to meet, as despite being inundated with wrestling bookings, she was able to give us over an hour of her time to discuss her career to date – including, but not limited to: her return at SHIMMER in September, training with Rip Rogers in OVW, the early days of her career when she was trying to get noticed, meeting CM Punk, SHIMMER memories, getting signed, comparing FCW to OVW, the Mia Mancini character, thoughts on who should win NXT, meeting Vince McMahon, the hair shaving, walking down the ramp at WrestleMania, scratching the wrestling itch, and her plans for 2011 (and whether those plans include TNA).
Not only that, before Serena joins us, we’ve got quick mentions on recent shows from SHIMMER, Femmes Fatales & Pro-Wrestling EVE, including a quick exclusive chat with Nikki Storm, who had a big coming out party at the last EVE show, solidifying her as one to watch in the European scene in 2011.
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