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Impact 08/02/18: What you see is what you get

Hola Knockout fans and welcome to another (delayed) Impact Write-Up! As we saw last week, Allie and Kiera Hogan have taken it upon themselves to put a stop Su Yung’s reign of terror. They team up this week to challenge the current Knockouts Champion and her Undead Maid of Honor. Last week also the (according to some) “controversial” arrival of Scarlett Bordeaux. Will the Smoke Show continue to preach her message of wanting to make wrestling sexy this week? Let’s dive in!

Our Knockouts Tag Team match kicks off this week’s program! Su Yung, never without a loyal train of Undead Bridesmaids, makes her entrance first. She picks out her Maid of Honor, who we’ll identify as KC Spinelli again, from the entrance line-up. The babyface team meets at the entrance ramp, simultaneously entering the ring after striking through the rest of Yung’s bridesmaids.

Allie and Kiera start the battle off strong, throwing their opponents to the outside. Kiera follows up with a suicide dive on Spinelli but the rest of the Undead Brides are back up to slowly march towards her. Allie makes the save by taking them down with a cross body from the second turnbuckle.

Back in the ring, Kiera and Allie begin to bring the fight to Young – both landing in forearms, while Allie adds a sliding forearm and Kiera a running kick to the head. Spinelli enters the ring and takes Kiera down with an attack from behind. She follows up by repeatedly driving Kiera head to a turnbuckle and goes for the cover after a suplex. Kiera kicks out.

Spinelli thrashes Kiera to a corner and keeps her at bay in between double team attacks with Yung. Kiera is able to make the much-needed tag after taking down Spinelli with a missile dropkick. A fired up Allie takes down Yung, who also gets tagged in, with running forearms and a side Leg Sweep.

Allie goes for the Code Breaker but Yung blocks it. Allie ducks a clothesline to hit the Best Super Kick, nearly getting the three count but Spinelli manages to run-in to break the pin. This brings in Kiera to neutralize Spinelli however, she would then fall victim to the Panic Switch from Yung. Young then tries to hit Allie with the Panic Switch but the latter reverses with a Code Breaker, this time hitting it, and pins the Knockouts Champion!

In the midst of Allie’s celebration, in runs Tessa Blanchard who continues to make an example of Allie by laying Allie out with a Hammerlock DDT. During the break, Impact cameras catch up with Blanchard – who says she sees right through Allie. Allie says she wants to save everyone but can’t seem to even save herself. Blanchard accuses Allie’s “doing the thing” agenda as a way to sneak back into the Knockouts Title picture. Unlike Allie, Blanchard knows what she wants and doesn’t hide from that truth. If Allie thinks she’ll get another shot at the Knockouts Title before Blanchard, she is sadly mistaking.

Good news for all the Alisha Edwards fans out there! After months of chasing and trying to calm down her once beloved babyface husband turned unhinged brute in Eddie Edwards, Alisha tells Alicia Atout in a backstage interview that she is stepping back into the ring.

Eddie interrupts the interview, vowing to that things will be different going forward. Alisha has her doubts, given her husband’s history this year, but Alisha’s words fall on deaf ears as Eddie’s mindset is on becoming World Champion next week. Can’t we go back to happier times like last year?

Alisha will take on none other than Tessa Blanchard in her Impact return match.

Scarlett Bordeaux is next with another interview this week. This time, however, the interview is being conducted by a fellow named Bob Kapoor. Bordeaux leads the interview, asking if Kapoor is new because she would remember a face like his. Since “Bobo” is tongue-tied, Bordeaux continues the interview on her own, asking what is it like to be in a world full of “3s and 4s” while she is a 10.

This is how God made her and she will not be hot shamed. Bordeaux dismisses Kapoor and vows to make wrestling sexy again.

Closing out things for the Knockouts this week are Impact’s unofficial three musketeers – collectively known as Katarina Leigh, Grado and Joe Hendry. After receiving an insulting “gift” last week, a raging Grado challenges Eli Drake to a tag team match. Grado volunteers Hendry as his partner but alas, Drake is without a partner… until he drags the tag team of Trevor Lee and Caleb Konleyfrom a dark corner.

The team of Eli Drake and Trevor Lee end up getting the win after an outside argument between Leigh/Hendry across Lee/Konley. Post-match, Drake continues to plant seeds inside Grado’s head that is something is going on between hig good friend and girlfriend.

Thoughts: I’m a bit surprised that Allie was able to pin the champion instead of Spinelli being the to take the fall. Sure, Allie may have lost her match to Tessa Blanchard at Slammiversary but this certainly helps her rebound back to the top! Impact is already hinting that the win can insert Allie back to the title scene but I feel like Su Yung’s next title defense should be against Tessa Blanchard alone versus a multi-women match. She has been such a pleasant addition to the Knockouts division and I’m hoping that side feud with Allie for Blanchard serves more as a way to say Blanchard can defeat a former Champion, since she wasn’t ever able to come out on top against Madison Rayne during their short feud.

I’m really trying to figure out where the controversy and supposed jab to WWE surrounding Scarlett Bordeaux debut last week is coming from? I must be looking at the wrong fan base on social media and forums because if anything, I’ve seen fans praise good things about her character than negative ones. Now, I will admit that I wasn’t as sold on her segment this week compared to last week. Maybe it was because of this nobody Bob Kapoor guy or the over the top entrance or because it was basically a repeat of lines but I’m still interested in where Bordeaux will go from here, who (if anyone) will step up her mindset of making wrestling sexy again.

At this point, I’m thinking that the reason Katarina Leigh was paired with Grado from the beginning was to help him turn Heel. He’s always been this lovable Babyface and being a jealous boyfriend could be one way of doing it, right? But whatever the case may be, I hope that someone presses that fast forward button sooner rather than later.

What did you think of this week’s Impact? Did you find any controversy/offense with Scarlett Bordeaux’s character? Should Allie get another shot against Su Yung? Let us know in the comments below!

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