Friday, February 7, 2025

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Impact Write-Up (March 13th, 2014): An Impactful Debut and a Return Full of Love

Hey guys! It’s the first episode of Impact following Lockdown, and with the debut of Brittany and the return of Angelina Love, it’s sure to be nothing short of a massive episode of Impact! Let’s get right to it!

We don’t waste any time getting into what the internet was talking about all day Thursday as Jeremy Borash is backstage when Angelina Love walks up! Her presence alone brings a huge reaction from the crowd and she simply says ” Did you miss me?” as we fade to a break.

It’s time for the long awaited debut of Sant….uh… Brittany! While calling her anything other than Santana may take some getting used to, I’ve been waiting for this since November so I am SUPER excited.

My excitement reaches a fever pitch as Brittany not only gets a video package promoting her, but then her opponent is Gail Kim? Are you kidding me? This is going to be great!

From the start of Gail’s entrance, You could tell her and Lei’D Tapa probably didn’t have gal bonding time while shopping at Ulta today. Gail looks to take out her pent-up aggressions on Brittany. The match is aggressive from the start with Gail delivering a stiff kick to Brittany. The match goes back and forth. One girl would take control for a moment and then it would switch, and vise verse. Although it was a short match, I do have to say it was the most excited I’ve been for the Knockouts in a long time.

Lei’D Tapa’s misguided interference leads to Brittany getting a huge win on who many (including myself) believe to be the greatest Knockout of all time in Gail Kim, in her very first match on Impact! Nobody deserves it more than Brittany and I’m so glad to see her finally make her debut.

Brittany’s win leads to friction between Kim and Tapa… Okay, friction maybe the understatement of the century, they started beating the ever living crap out of each other! The brawl between the two honestly left me saying ” Holy crap!”. It was by far the best pull apart girl between two girls I’ve seen in a long time and it was defiantly worth the wait. I’m really excited to finally see a showdown between the two!

Next up is a backstage segment between Velvet Sky and the Knockouts Champion, Madison Rayne.

Obviously the matter at hand is the return of Angelina Love. However, Velvet looks shocked as Madison tells her that Angelina’s in the building! She knew nothing about it.

In a backstage segment, Angelina says she’s here for one special person.

And after a break, we find out that person is Velvet Sky as Angelina Love cuts her first promo since returning to TNA. She calls Velvet out and we’re treated to a Beautiful People reunion! Okay, now I know I can be critical about the Knockouts, especially when it comes to Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. But, I have to say that this was a really really strong segment. This is the first time in a while that I’m legitimately excited to see what TNA will do next week and leading into the next PPV. I’m left with questions to ponder. Why doesn’t Velvet want to reunite with Angelina? What will happen next with Gail and Lei’D? I’m genuinely intrigued to see where things will go next!

Thanks for joining me for this week’s Impact review. Be sure to let me know what you think will happen next with Angelina/Velvet & Gail/Tapa in the comments below!

Until next week… Choo choo…oh wait, I can’t do that anymore!

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