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Impact Write-Up (November 12th, 2014): Keeping Up With the Knockouts

Hola once again Knockout fans and as always welcome to Impact Write-Up! It’s a busy week for the Knockouts over at TNA this week so let’s not waste anymore time and jump right into the action!

We kick things off with a singles match between former friends and members of the unofficial Team MILF, Taryn Terell and Madison Rayne. Sadly this won’t be in the long-awaited “Baby on a Pole” match, but perhaps at another time.

Out first is Madison Rayne, who makes her way to the ring bringing back her pageant queen smile and wave. Rightfully so after being declared queen of the Knockouts at this year’s Knockouts Knockdown PPV. Surely I can’t be the only one who misses Madison bowing her head and praying before heading to the ring?

Before we bring out Taryn Terell, we get a quick recap of what has led us to this match far when Madison turned on her during their tag match against The Beautiful People.

Taryn music hits next and she’s all business as she walks down the entrance ramp with attitude. Before she can fully enter the ring, Madison begins with the first series of strikes.

Once in the ring, Taryn manages to get an upper hand with a fury of forearms following a drop kick. Having had enough, Madison rolls out the ring to safety calling for a time out. Taryn, however, has other plans and jumps from the ring to hit a cross body onto Madison. Taryn tries to throw Madison back into the ring but Madison thrusts Taryn to the ring before making another effort of escaping this match. As Madison seems to exit up the ramp, Taryn catches up and manages to toss her back into the ring.

Once in the ring again, Taryn hits a big clothesline on Madison and goes high risk climbing the turnbuckle but is punished when Madison knocks her off from the top rope. Madison feeds Taryn on offense of knee shots as she’s down and goes for the pin but Taryn is able kicks out. The queen bee then resorts to dirty tactics by positioning Taryn to the second rope and begins to choke her. Madison breaks her hold before the official counts for a DQ.

Another unsuccessful pin attempt by Madison leads to a new idea of head scissors and she stomps Taryn’s face repeatedly onto the mat. Back on her feet, Taryn is jabbed by Madison to the corner as thrusts herself repetitively. Madison taunts Taryn as she hangs on the corner. She charges after her but Taryn gets her knees up in time to counter. Taryn follows up with a flying clothesline. A combination of clotheslines and forearms from Taryn ends with a snap neck breaker.

As Madison hangs on to the corner for support, Taryn goes steams towards her but is Madison counters with a big boot. Madison goes for a dirty pin with some leverage from the second rope but the referee catches Madison misconduct. After landing a suplex on to Madison, Taryn climbs the turnbuckle and fails to connect a cross body from a dodging Madison. Madison goes for a roll up pin but Taryn manages to kick out.

Looking to end things once and for all, Madison sets Taryn for the Rayne Check but Taryn escapes and whips Madison to the ropes to hit her with the Cutter as she comes back for the three count and win!

Following that big win on Madison, we are taken backstage where Taryn is meeting General Manager Kurt Angle backstage along with Gail Kim.

The two are meeting with Kurt in talks of wanting to get their hands on Havok after the Knockouts Champion assaulted both of them. Kurt Angle considered this and officially sets up a Knockouts Championship match for next week’s show in a triple threat match between Havok, Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell. That sure was a quick on the spot decision Kurt.

We head out to the ring for another continuing feud between The Menagerie and The BeautifulBros. It’s a mixed tag team/handicap elimination match with these opposite teams. Notable missing team members are Robbie E and The Freak respectively but we can make do without them for this match.

Things start off with a tie up between Angelina Love and Rebel with Angelina taking control with a headlock to Rebel. Rebel fights through it and tosses Angelina to the ropes but is taken down with a shoulder block. As Angelina flaunts herself, Rebel pulls Angelina foot brining we down. Rebel sets Angelina for a split leg drop but misses and is instead hit with a dropkick by Angelina.

Angelina then tries to whip Rebel to the corner of her fellow Menagerie partners but Rebel counters and runs to Angelina but is met with an elbow instead. Taking a page out of DJ Z’s book, Crazzy Steve slaps Angelina in the rear, distracting her enough for Rebel to roll up the former Knockouts Champion for the first successful pin fall of the match evening things up.

Jessie makes his way to the ring next and soon him and Knux square off. Thanks to some help from DJ Z, the BroMans manage to eliminate the Menagerie ring leader from the match. Almost immediately following Knux’s elimination, Crazzy Steve surprises DJ Z with a small package eliminating him from the match next. Suddenly it’s Velvet Sky‘s turn to get in the match and she calls out Rebel!

Early on, Rebel hits a high kick to Velvet but she stumbles through it and tosses Rebel through the ropes. From the apron, Rebel strikes another high kick and rolls through for a pin count that Velvet kicks out of. Velvet then sends Rebel to the ring post where an Angelina sprays a can of hairspray behind the referee’s back. Blinded by the hairspray, Velvet hits the In Yo’ Face on Rebel and pins her for the three count.

Suddenly it’s three on two as Crazzy Steve takes on Jesse and Velvet on his own. Jesse power lifts Crazzy Steve to the point where Velvet wants in on the match. She tags in and kicks the fallen clown before going for a pin. The jokes on Velvet, as Crazzy Steve turns Velvet pin fall into one of his own along with some extra lip locking. He manages to eliminate a horrified Velvet and land a big swinging DDT from the turnbuckle for the win for his team! Gotta love this clown for pulling through for The Menagerie!

In the other friends turned enemies feud, Gunner and Samuel Shaw are set for battle in a no DQ contest. Before their match, Sam’s beautiful and manipulative better half Brittany are backstage where Brittany reports to Shaw that Gunner has come onto her. Samuel doesn’t seem to thrilled by this news that Brittany has cooked up and is ready to make him pay! Oops, she did it again!

Brittany accompanies Samuel to the ring in this no DQ match against Gunner. Before he can make his way to the ring, Brittany barks at Gunner at the entrance ramp, distracting him from an ambush attack from Shaw! Brittany cheers for Samuel as he chokes Gunner out and rewards his deeds with a smooth kiss.

Things aren’t all in Samuels’ favor as Gunner gets the upper hand when he gets a chair in his hand and beats the so called creepy bastard. Concerned, Brittany comforts Shaw in between his rough rousing with Gunner going as far help Shaw by distracting and yelling at throughout the match.

Things get so bad that Gunner eventually gets in Brittany’s face, warning her not to get involved. Brittany doesn’t heave to Gunner’s warning and meets him in the ring where she kicks a mighty low blow to Gunner. Even down Gunner gets a hold of Brittany but Shaw makes the save but it’s at the cost of the match as Gunner lands a Hanger 18 to Shaw in a pile of steel chairs for the win. Still even in defeat, Brittany stands by her beau, consoling him in the ring.

Thoughts: A very eventful night for the Knockouts this week. I think this week really showcased all the storylines the Knockouts are currently placed in which was a big plus. Now where to begin?

I’ll start with the mixed tag match between The Menagerie and The BeautifulBro: It was another tag match between both feuding teams but with the twist of eliminations helped make it feel different. Much of what we saw in Rebel through out the match was, for the most part, constant with what we’ve already seen this far. I think Rebel managing to pin Angelina, a record setting champion, was surprising even if it was through some help with Crazzy Steve and Knux. Still, it feels like something is missing in this feud. Perhaps some new steps would work by switching up tag matches to perhaps singles or match between each team member. Though, perhaps Rebel still learning the ropes is the reason for the tag matches to have the men help these matches flow along.

I have to say my favorite part of the night was actually Brittany’s involvement with Shaw and Gunner. I think she shined through her character before, during and after the match. She showed courage, manipulation and nurture that really brought out a lot of emotions to me. My only real complaint about the match was seeing Shaw lose. Both Shaw and Brittany have very few wins under the belts so I would’ve preferred to see Shaw begin to pick some up to help redeem himself and rub some of that victory Brittany. I hope this isn’t the last we see of this pairing after Gunner as Brittany really adds a depth to Shaw’s character and is growing herself in process.

The Madison versus Taryn match was a bit better than their match at NYC over the summer but there was still this off beat in the match. Perhaps it’s the chemistry between these two or maybe it’s still some of Taryn’s ring rust. Either way, a win for Taryn continues to build momentum for Taryn as she makes her way to the title picture.

As we’ve learned, both Taryn Terell and Gail Kim will meet Havok in a triple threat match for the Knockouts title next week. Is it a bit rushed to throw this match? Maybe but let’s keep in mind that as of now, next week, unless something drastically happens, will be the FINAL episode of Impact for this year. Troubling yes but let’s as they say “The show may go on”.

Until next week Knockout fans, hasta luego!

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