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Impact Write-Up (September 24th, 2014): The Knockouts’ Night Off

Hola Knockout fans and welcome to what will be a very brief edition of Impact Write-Up this week.

After last night’s VERY uneventful Knockouts episode of Impact Wrestling, I was debating on whether this Write-Up was worth putting together. However, in the event that anyone happened to miss Impact this week (it’s okay if you did..) it seemed reasonable to follow through my commitment of bringing in the weekly Knockouts overview whether it be a good week or, in this case, a bad one.

Our only Knockout sighting of the night comes from Rebel who, along with her Menagerie clan of The Freak and Crazzy Steve, accompanied their ring leader Knux as he takes on the common denominator of greatness that is Austin Aries as part of NYC Gold Rush Tournament:

Despite having his entire clique by him at ringside, Knux was unsuccessful in getting the win to advance in the finals of the NYC Gold Rush tournament. Maybe it’s time to come up with a new plan to save the family business guys?

Prior to his own participation in the Gold Rush tournament, we are taking backstage where Robbie E is discussing with his bros, Jessie Godderz and DJ Z, all the good that is going on the life of Robbie:

He’s pumped for his match that night, he has a hot girlfriend in Velvet Sky and he will soon begin an amazing journey around the world as he takes part in the Emmy winning reality show The Amazing Race along with his partner, fellow Knockout Brooke! That’s two Knockouts for Robbie E that no one is going to find out about! Having prior reality television experience in Big Brother (I was rooting for you to win this year Victoria!!!) , Big Brother alumni Jessie warns Robbie his plan of keeping things under the rug may not go well given that cameras are rolling everywhere…. including right there as they’re having said conversation.

In anticipation to the big Knockouts Championship match between champion Gail Kim and Havok next week (that’s right, it’s happening next week instead of the assumed Bound For Glory…) we are treated to a minute long promo that highlights Havok’s destruction since arriving to TNA. Stealing the title, wreaking havoc to the other Knockouts and even security!

Thoughts: Not only was this a weak episode for the Knockouts but it was weak for TNA all together. Certainly not the best way to leave the summer of NYC after having so many other great shows.

I don’t mind seeing Rebel accompany Knux, or anyone for that matter, to ring side during matches as she isn’t all ready to wrestle full time but I’d like for her to do something more than just be there. She was brought in with a storyline to help Knux save his father’s business so why not retouch on that?

The Brooke name drop from Robbie’s promo was quite a surprise! A surprise only because we have not seen Brooke in so long! Of course, this may have only happened because of the two participation in “The Amazing Race” this week but it’ll be interesting to see if TNA will somehow incorporate Brooke into the BroMans and Beautiful People pairing. Highly unlikely but you never know!

The Havok and Gail promo was short and sweet. While I am very excited to see the two square off, it’s disappointing that it is happening on an already taped episode of Impact instead of Bound For Glory. Given that TNA has already taped well beyond Bound For Glory, have not advertised any Knockouts for the show and the card for the PPV seems to be finalized, it would appear that the Knockouts will be cut from the show. A shame really but at this point it is what it is so all we can do move forward to see what the upcoming weeks will bring to us!

That’ll do it this week! Hasta luego Knockout fans!

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