Friday, July 26, 2024

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Jenny Cash: FCW’s Most “Expensive” Diva

For those who are fortunate enough to see FCW every week, you’re probably familiar with the weekly gossip segment hosted by Jenny Cash. It’s not my style usually to be extremely critical of the Divas /Knockouts, but after seeing these segments I felt something needed to be said. Check out these clips to see what I mean.

Jenny Cash talks Queen Of FCW

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Jenny Cash Talks The Conglomerate

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Jenny’s First Segment

Wow… that was… um… interesting. Who am I kidding ? That was really bad. As if the corny pun on her name wasn’t bad enough, her acting skills were somehow worse (Not that any divas are gonna be up for an Oscar anytime soon). However if she can keep up her current progress in the ring I can overlook these horrible promos. Maybe.  On a unrelated note: Is it me or does she look like Sarah Silverman? Google it.

Am I the only one she annoys the hell out of? Do you want more expensive conversations with Ms.Cash? Discuss in the comments. CHA-CHING!

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