Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Lana’s return to WWE programming may be coming soon

Lana has been missing from WWE programming for quite some time now. The last time she participated in a match was at WrestleMania in April during the women’s Battle Royal. Her absence went along with her husband’s as Rusev was not on WWE programming either.

Rusev returned just a couple weeks ago as being announced as the father of Maria Kanellis’ baby. That storyline remains to be finished or even continued at this time. Upon his return, Lana was not by his side during his return nor did we receive word on when she would be back.

Credit; WWE

It is currently being rumored by Wrestling Observer Newsletter that she was not brought back at this time because there are other plans in motion for her character. There has been no word on what changes may occur for Lana, but there is talk about using her in future storylines. There has also been no confirmation on if she will return as an in-ring competitor or be primarily a manager.

Would you like to see Lana return with a different gimmick? Could maybe moving her away from Rusev help her out in the long run?

Discuss your thoughts on the possible return of Lana in the comment section!

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