Tuesday, February 4, 2025

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Lilian Garcia reflects on her most memorable WWE moments

Legendary ring announcer Lilian Garcia is one of few women to have had a career with the WWE that has lasted well over 10 years. Although she is best known as WWE’s ring announcer, Garcia has also had plenty of other memorable moments beyond her usual role.

In an interview with Ring the Belle, Garcia looks back at some of her most memorable moments within the WWE while also discussing her Chasing Glory podcast and weighs in on the recent Paige/Liv Morgan controversy. Highlights of the interview below.

On her Evening Gown vs. Tuxedo Match with Howard Finked: You know, this is my one and only match that I ever had and I won. I am undefeated, 1 and 0 baby! […] You know, Howard was such a sport for all of this to happen. It was so great, he was like ‘You know what, it is time for me, it’s fine’. He was helpful, I’ve always thanked Howard Finkel because he could have been completely opposite to that. Someone is coming in and replacing you? He could have been very bitter, he could’ve tried to sabotage me and instead, he was always so helpful all the way. So I love Howard. […] You made me realize that here we were, us three women, ganging up on him. It was kind of like Women’s Revolution, Evolution right there!

Which current Superstar’s entrance theme song she’d like to sing for: So Ronda Rousey just came to mind. I mean, I feel like it would just be a badass song and a lot of attitude. I would love to get my teeth into that – that would be amazing.

Getting physical during her career: There’s a lot of times I forgot about it but it was always just so fun to be involved in a way that people were not expecting. […] Like Three Minute Warning, when they both picked me up like a rag doll and tossed me. That definitely was something. I was like ‘Wow, that was intense’ but they took good care of me.

What her Chasing Glory podcast means to her: When I stepped away from WWE, and I’ll never forget my dad was really sick, but he told me before he passed away ‘Please Lilian, I want you to do something after WWE. Just please don’t sit here and watch me die.’ I spoke to a producer and said I’ve always wanted to do this show where people really get to know the lives of these Superstars because for the longest time there was such a stigma with wrestlers – meatheads or this and that. And I said no, these are amazing people. Amazing human beings with incredible stories. Luckily they feel connected to me and feel like they can open up. Once we started getting some of those stories, I was like ‘Wow, this has taken on a life of its own’ – hearing people chase for glory. It’s been so powerful, so to me, it’s meant everything.

Thoughts on the Paige/Liv Morgan concussion controversy: I think it got taken out of context because you have to understand, Paige is very sensitive to injuries. Very. Her entire [in-ring] career has been completely finished because of an injury. So when she said ‘Take care of yourself’, of course, she’s coming from ‘Come on guys. Don’t let this happen because you can end up like me.’ So I could hear the passion in her voice and I know that her thing wasn’t like ‘How dare you guys!’ none at all. I think it totally got taken out of context. I feel like that match has become bigger than just a match. We’re having a conversation about how people can take care of each other if things don’t go the way you think they’re going to go. There are so many learning lessons in that match and I love Steve Austin and we were dissecting it and talking about it. He put it in such great perspective, what everybody’s point of view us and what they could’ve done what to learn from it. That’s the bottom line. I think people getting on Paige, I didn’t understand it. I don’t blame Riott Squad, she’s not blaming Riott Squad she’s just saying ‘Man guys, be careful because you could end up like me.’

Lilian also shares her thoughts on Trish Stratus returning for WWE Evolution, working and reconnecting with Jillian Hall and wanting to collaborate music with Mickie James and Naomi.

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What did you think of the interview? What are some of your favorite Lilian Garcia moments? Who would you like to see featured on Chasing Glory? Let us know in the comments below!

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