Sunday, January 19, 2025

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Live Report from Saturday’s Fan Axxess

Diva Dirt reader, Rob Pagano sent along the following report from yesterday’s Axxess festivities:

I got last minute tickets to this. The WWE changed things up at the last minute. Apart from Vickie none of the Divas who were announced actually appeared. The Divas who did signings or photos between 8am and 10:00 were Vickie, Natalya and Layla. Tiffany came in at 10:00 along with Alicia Fox.

The lines for Natalya and Layla were very long. Jim Ross was also doing autograph session between 8 and 10 and the lines for Layla and Natalya were nearly as long as the one for him. Layla had to leave after her session ended but she stayed around briefly and signed programs for some of the fans who did not get photos and did some some of her ring poses on the stage.

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