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Lucha Underground Analysis (June 22, 2016): The enemy of my enemy is my friend

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Welcome to this week’s Lucha Underground, I’ll be filling in for Jack this week since he has some prior commitments. LU continues to revolutionize the business with its first all women’s tag bout in the promotion’s history. With two Aztec Medallions on the line, tempers flared between all competitors. Our menacing proprietor Dario Cuerto took two wrestlers who hate each other, with Sexy Star and Mariposa, and teamed them against Ivelisse and Taya, another volatile pairing, for the prestigious prize. Who will come out on top? Let’s find out.


Each team makes their entrance with commentary putting over the rivalry each woman has with her teammate. The match begins with Sexy Star and Taya going toe to toe, exchanging arm drags and roll ups. They trade submissions with each other with each woman able to out manuever the other until Ivelisse tags in. Sexy tags out, bringing Mariposa into the fold. Ivelisse tries to ground her since Mariposa has the height advantage but Mariposa dominates the match, catching her in a Koji clutch. Ivelisse makes her way out of it and tags in Taya. Mariposa taunts her and Taya whips her across the ring. Sexy makes the tag and takes Taya down outside the ring. Mariposa pushes Sexy out of the way to finish what she started with Taya in the ring, throwing her into the front row of the audience and splashing her into the chairs. The match gets taken further out of the ring when Ivelisse jumps into the fray.

Taya and Sexy make their way back into the ring where Taya continues to inflict punishment on Sexy. She fights Taya off though with a huge clothesline and DDT.  Ivelisse makes the tag and slaps Sexy hard across the chest. They trade blows and pin attempts. Mariposa tries to make the save but gets kicked out of the ring. A misplaced spear by Taya takes out her partner, allowing Mariposa to plant her for Sexy where she gets the pin for her team.

Both women make their way to Ultimate Lucha II.

Thoughts: What a great showing by all four women! LU continues to showcase their luchadoras in ways I wish other promotions would. Commentary makes the match feel important by hammering home the significance winning the Gift of the Gods Championship or the Lucha Underground Championship would be. It would be making history in the promotion and neither woman takes this lightly.

All four play up their roles, with Sexy staying true to her morals in trying to help out Mariposa even though she faced brutal torture at the hands of her partner earlier in the season. I’m quite pleased all four women also seem to have chemistry with each other. Ivelisse was the underdog a bit here because of her height but she has history taking on Sexy so she shined against her the most, trying to effectively strategize against her even though they were equally matched.

I’d like to see a match between Taya and Mariposa. I think both could go all out and we haven’t even scratched the surface of what they could do in a lengthier one on one bout.

I look forward to seeing how Ultimate Lucha II plays out and how they possibly extend these feuds. We can go deeper and I have no doubt LU will deliver.

Are you satisfied with this outcome? What do you think will happen at Ultimate Lucha II? Sound off in the comments below.

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