Friday, July 26, 2024

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Maria Kanellis says that the Divas Championship should still exist

When you think of the term Diva in the WWE one of the first names you may probably think of is Maria Kanellis. Maria is a quintessential Diva and was even named Diva of the Year in 2009. She even participated in the first-ever Diva Search in 2004 and although she didn’t win, she has become one of the most popular names to come out of that experience.

Maria sat down recently with DS Shin from Ring the Belle to go over her top five fan-voted moments of her career. Within the interview, there was a lot of talk on the Divas Era and what it meant to Maria. She spoke highly of women such as Victoria, Gail Kim, Mickie James, and Beth Phoenix just to name a few.

She comments on the fact that the Divas Era tends to be overlooked and often times shamed for happening. The term Diva that was used even during the Attitude Era is often associated with a very negative connotation. She makes the emphatic statement that she feels the Divas Title should still be an active title. A title that many fans feel she should have held.

“I do think that there should still be a Divas Championship. I think that not having it is an insult or saying that it is a bad championship to have I think is an insult to the women who were on the road 300 to 350 days of the year. You know they barely went home to see their family holding this Diva Championship. So I feel in that aspect it should be looked at fondly and not like it is an insult.”

DS further adds in the interview that a few years ago Maria mentioned on social media that the Divas Championship should return. He states that it was quite a controversial remark for the fans.

“I get so tired of the oh that’s controversial or whatever. It’s not controversial when you look at the talent back then. They didn’t get to spotlight their talents as much as they should of but…Beth Phoenix was an incredible worker, she was a champ, Michelle McCool was incredible she was a champ, Melina was awesome, Mickie was awesome – how can you say the Divas Championship didn’t mean anything?”

In regards to the Divas Era not getting the respect it deserves, Maria named Mickie James immediately as a woman from that time frame who does not get the respect she deserves. She also adds in Natalya and Alicia Fox.

For the full interview, you can watch the YouTube video above. This was certainly a fantastic interview and should be watched.

Maria is currently signed with Ring of Honor and is looking forward to the future with that company. She speaks highly of it, says we should see her in the next few weeks, and that she has some big announcements to make. She adds that soon she hopes that everyone will soon be able to see the group of women that are in ROH.

What do you think of what Maria had to say about the Divas Era? What did you think of the interview? Leave your thoughts below!!

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