Friday, July 26, 2024

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Mickie James on Lita’s Hall of Fame Induction: “She Broke the Mold”

Former WWE Diva and TNA Knockout Mickie James took to her Facebook page today to write about Lita‘s WWE Hall of Fame induction, thanking Lita for helping her at the start of her career and reflecting on their match from Survivor Series 2006.

Mickie wrote:

Last night a dear friend of mine was announced as an inductee in the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame. This year Lita will rightfully take her place alongside the legends of our industry. I could not be more happy for her. She truly deserves this so much.

Lita brought her own unique style and grace both in and out the ring. She broke the mold of convention and paved her own way with originality and innovation. She dared you to be your own unique self no matter what! And she captured and embraced a unique and loyal blend of fans all her own because of it.

I was fortunate enough to meet Lita prior to ever making it to the big dance. In North Carolina in the back of a small Indy show where she actually pulled me aside to give me advice about my match. She didn’t have to do that but she did. That was just a small testament to how much she truly loved this business. And perhaps he saw something in little ol’ me. I owe a lot to her in the advice she shared with me and all the help along the way. I had looked up to her then but even more after that day.

One of the moments I can say that I am honestly most proud of in my career was to share the ring with her in her last match before her retirement at WWE Survivor Series 2006 in Philly. It was a sad day because it was the true end of the Golden Era of women’s wrestling. I couldn’t have been more honored to finally have a program with someone I looked up to for so many reasons and so long.

Congrats to a friend, a mentor, and to an amazing woman! I’m so proud of and for you. I love you girl! Thank you for not just setting a standard but for raising the bar! Thank you for seeing something in me. The fans and I thank you for everything! Xoxo

You can read the entire message on Mickie’s official Facebook page.

What was your favorite Lita/Mickie moment?

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