Friday, July 26, 2024

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Number One Contender’s Battle Royal NXT – 01.07.16

This week’s Free Match Friday is going to head back to a Battle Royal over four years ago. It took place in the main event of NXT and housed many stars that moved forward to RAW and SmackDown that we see today. This match was to determine the number one contender for Bayley‘s NXT Women’s Championship.

The list of competitors included:

This has always been a controversial ending as many felt that Asuka would take the win. She would be eliminated by Eva Marie only to have Carmella who was never eliminated, throw Eva Marie over the top rope to secure her victory.

Carmella would get her title match against Bayley just a few weeks later and was unable to win the title.

What did you think of this match? Who did you want to win? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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