Thursday, July 25, 2024

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NXT UK shows a plethora of talent to challenge Kay Lee Ray

The NXT UK brand has been hit with the biggest blow in WWE from the ongoing worldwide health pandemic. Since preventative measures were place for the UK, there hasn’t been any episodes of NXT UK to showcase their female talent.

This coupled with many allegations from the #SpeakingOut movement led to many fans thinking this brand may not continue. Although there is no official word on when tapings for the brand will resume, their Twitter account continues to highlight past moments and future opportunities.

Kay Lee Ray has held the title since August 31 of last year and is about to hit the year mark. Although it is true she hasn’t been able to defend the title for months due to the hiatus of the brand, there are many challengers waiting for her when the bell rings again.

In the Twitter post above, NXT UK has listed all the competitors of the brand that are vying for a chance to claim the cherished NXT UK Women’s Title. A title that has only been held by three different women since its inception. In this list are women who have been with the brand since day one up to the most recent signings.

The list are as follows:

A name that was left off this list was Toni Storm. The reason for this was based off her last encounter with the champion. In an “I Quit” match in February, the stipulation was if Storm lost then she would never be able to go after the NXT UK Women’s Title again as long as Kay was champion. So keeping to that promise, she was not included on the above list.

With the solid roster that NXT UK provides, who do you think will get the first crack at Ray’s title once the brand starts back up?

Would you want it to be a newcomer like Amale or Aoife Valkyrie or would you prefer someone such as Piper Niven or Jinny to finally win the title?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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