Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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OVW Spoilers: August 8th, 2013

Ohio Valley Wrestling filmed today’s episode last night in Louisville, Kentucky.

The show (#729) can be seen at OVWrestling.com later today. Spoilers below:

* Pre-Show Dark Match: 4-CORNER FEMME FATALE MATCH: Nikki St. John vs. Jessie Belle vs. Lei’d Tapa vs. Trina – Jessie Belle & Trina lock up. Trina hits Jessie Belle to the outside and Nikki charges in. Trina hits and clotheslines Nikki and Jessie Belle runs back in into a full nelson. Nikki gets in and grabs Jessie Belle and throws her out of the ring. Tapa has had enough of waiting on the apron, gets in the ring, and takes out Jessie Belle who had gotten back up, and after Trina throws down Nikki, she turns into a big boot from Tapa who gets the 3. WINNER: TAPA by pinfall.

* Taeler Hendrix vs. 1 of the Blossom Twins – Taeler grabs a mic and says she is ready to wrestle, but wants to know who she is facing. She throws a Sharpie at them and says to mark who she is fighting. Before the Blossoms can decide, the Bodyguy’s voice comes over the speakers. He says it is time for his big debut. He comes to the ring and says “If the ladies don’t mind, and I know they don’t, watch me as I take off my robe.” Before he can (thankfully), the Assassin’s music hits, and he takes the Bodyguy out with a huge clothesline. (Source)

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