Saturday, July 20, 2024

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Priscilla Kelly calls out Santana Garrett for a street fight

Priscilla Kelly is looking ahead towards SHINE 56 after her victory at SHINE 55, this past weekend.  Kelly most recently competed against the team of Rainbow Bright (Luscious Latasha and Gabby Gilbert) in a handicap match. The two-on-one advantage for Rainbow Bright was not enough for this pair, as Kelly was able to muster out a win. 

With less than four years of experience, the young 21-year-old debuted in the independent circuit in March 2015. She first debuted in SHINE at SHINE 37, just over two years ago. In this short amount of time, she became the first ever Nova Champion, but she lost this prestigious accolade after a 237-day reign.

Once the self-proclaimed “Hell’s Favorite Harlot” made short work of her slim odds, this past Saturday, she called out her next opponent. For the next SHINE event, SHINE 56, Kelly announced she wants Santana Garrett.  She demands to have their match as a street fight. 

Just two events ago, at SHINE 54, Kelly and Garrett went head to head inside The Orpheum venue and even took it to the street of E 7th Avenue in Ybor City, Fla. Being their first battle against each other in a street fight, the veteran emerged victoriously. Kelly is now seeking revenge.

These two competitors are far from strangers to each other. Both women have grown into adversaries due to their multiple encounters within the past year. Kelly successfully defended the Nova Championship against Garrett during her reign. Considering Garrett won their last street fight, will Kelly be able to upset the veteran?

As a well-seasoned veteran in the wrestling industry, Garrett is going on 10 years in the business. She is a former SHINE Champion, as well as a former SHINE Tag Team Champion with Raquel. She is a favorite among fans, and one that many would love to see signed with WWE.

The Mae Young Classic tournament in WWE featured both women as participants. The tournament has two years under its belt, and has spawned two winners. Neither woman has been signed to WWE from their appearances, but the future is still bright. Garrett participated in the inaugural tournament, whereas Kelly was in this year’s tournament. Both ladies were eliminated in their first rounds. 

Although not officially announced by SHINE Wrestling yet, the SHINE 56 event is rumored to be on Jan. 19, in Queens, N.Y. Follow up with Diva Dirt for more information on this SHINE event in the future.

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