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HomeHeadlinesRok-C gets a win on Women's Division Wednesday; Nicole Savoy and Mandy...

Rok-C gets a win on Women’s Division Wednesday; Nicole Savoy and Mandy Leon added to the tournament


Today is Wednesday, and if you are a fan of ROH then you know what that means. It is Women’s Division Wednesday and this week’s match-up involved two women that kicked off the weekly show in April – Rok-C and Laynie Luck.

The last time we saw these two in the ring together it was the first episode of the series and it was in tag team action. Rok-C partnered with Max the Impaler while Luck had Hyan by her side. The match was impressive and lasted to the 15-minute time limit making it a draw. This time, Rok-C was able to best Luck by hitting Code Red to get the three count for the victory.

Rok-C has already found herself with a ticket to gold. This summer we will be seeing a ROH Women’s Title Tournament to crown a brand new champion with a new lineage set to begin. Rok-C was the first woman announced for the tournament. Two names were added this week and those are Nicole Savoy and ROH veteran, Mandy Leon.

Savoy was selected to be in the tournament by fan request. Maria Kanellis-Bennett delivered her the good news and let her know that her name kept coming up with the fans and they overwhelming begged to see her in this tournament. Savoy has worked for ROH before and has done tours in Japan. She has also worked all over the United States and has done work for various all-female promotions.

When Leon was told the news, she expected it. She already assumed.

The full line-up so far for the tournament is as follows:

  • Rok-C
  • Allysin Kay
  • Trish Adora
  • Miranda Alize
  • Mazzerati
  • Willow
  • Angelina Love (bye-in first round)
  • Vita VonStarr
  • Mandy Leon
  • Nicole Savoy

With Leon getting her spot as a veteran, what other ROH veterans do you still seeing getting their spots? Anymore newcomers?

Join the discussion on ROH’s exciting upcoming tournament in the comment section below.