Friday, July 26, 2024

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SmackDown Redux (June 05, 2009) – Half a Dozen Divas… and Maria

This week’s SmackDown saw the next logical step given the way storylines have unfolded for the brand’s Divas. Gail Kim and Michelle McCool hate each other, then Michelle enlisted Alicia Fox. Gail Kim and Alicia Fox hate each other. Then Melina came along and brought her shiny Women’s Championship to SmackDown and this distracted Gail and Michelle. They then fought for the #1 Contendership, which Michelle won. So now, Melina and Michelle hate each other and by proxy, Alicia and Melina hate each other. All the while, we have another Divas feud between Eve Torres and Layla. So it was only a matter of time before we got all six in the ring at the same time! Watch below:


And just for added measure, it looks like the SmackDown writers took pity on Maria – who doesn’t have (and frankly doesn’t deserve) a storyline – and decided to make her a referee for the night. Speaking of Maria, I keep meaning to write an indepth blog about what’s next for her in WWE, but the subject-matter isn’t much of a motivator. So you guys are going to have to motivate me. Is that a blog you want to see or not? If not, I won’t bother!

And if you had to look any further as to why Maria isn’t much of a motivator for me, look no further than this week’s SmackDown. Her spastic wardrobe continues to give me headaches everytime I see her on TV and this week was no different. I can’t begin to explain what she was thinking. I don’t know how any woman could dress like that, look in the mirror and think, “Damn, I look great.”

Speaking of fashion faux pas’, did Layla preserve herself in ice between last week’s taping and this week’s? Because she looked the same, head to toe. Usually, I wouldn’t mind if she dusted off one of her hot outfits twice in a row, but her look over the past couple of weeks has been less Layla and more Maria. Being in a lockerroom with Maria must be having a negative impact on her! Please straighten your hair and dust off the hot leather leggings.

Anyway onto this week’s action, I have to start off by saying it’s great to see Gail Kim back on SmackDown after a one week absence. I personally noticed her absence last week, perhaps because I unashamedly mark for Gail. And her work in this match proved just why fans should miss her when she’s away.

Looking at the match from top-to-bottom; we kick off with with rookies Eve Torres and Alicia Fox, and from the outset Alicia proves just what a head-start she has over Divas who have been on the main roster for longer than her by taking the lead. I really can’t fault this girl’s work ethic, she is already better than many of the Divas, I would argue she’s better than a certain Divas Champion too. Eve, who hasn’t really impressed me in the ring, shows some nice athleticism with a cartwheel into a chop-block, taking down Alicia. Eve retreats to her corner and tags in the lovely Gail Kim and things pick up from here, Gail and Alicia have a fast paced style, with Alicia being hurled into the corner but managing to counter and giving an arrogant reaction to the fans. Nice heel tactic there. Gail hits a really nice hurricanrana, then does her patented cross body through the middle rope and then takes to the top for another one.

Michelle tags herself in and immediately lays into Gail rather viciously. Things go a little topsy-turvy here, Gail goes for a hurricanrana but Michelle manages to grab her and powerbombs her into the rope and then it’s time for our “Gail Kim Bump of the Week”, with that sick over-head flapjack. Yizouch! Michelle picks apart Gail some more before tagging out to Layla, two of my favourite Divas in the ring now – Layla takes a lead over Gail and actually shows some decent mat skills. I think working more often with this group of Divas and Layla could become an extremely strong performer and give Alicia a run for her money. Layla hits a dropkick and Gail sells every move perfectly, Gail drop-toe-holds Layla into the middle turnbuck and hurls for a tag to the Women’s Champion, Melina.

The pace is about to pick up as Melina hits a well rehearsed chorus of moves and really riles up the crowd. The ‘Matrish’ into an overhead kick, showing her amazing flexibility. Then comes the knee smash in the corner, followed by the hair-drag smash and Layla looks to be done but somehow manages to kick out.

The end is nigh, as Alicia interferes and all hell breaks loose. On the outside, Eve clotheslines Alicia while on the ring apron, #1 Contender Michelle hits a big boot over the top rope on the Women’s Champ. This is enough to put out Melina, as the legal woman, Layla hits her ‘Layout’ for the win.

The end of this match caused a lot of mixed opinions in the spoilers post earlier this week, but given the context, I think it worked. Sure Layla has pinned the Women’s Champion, but it doesn’t derive from the fact that Michelle had a helping hand and will only further fuel their feud. But this is also a fantastic win for Layla, the biggest of her career thus far.

I would say this match could rival the show-stopping tag team match between Melina/Gail and Alicia/Michelle a few weeks back. Definitely a strong showing for SmackDown.

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