Friday, July 26, 2024

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Sonya Deville speaks on a turning point in her career from her promo against Mandy Rose

Sonya Deville has been red hot lately and many eyes are on her as she is developing into her character and being pushed as a singles competitor. From her start with WWE she had always been paired with Mandy Rose from Absolution to Fire & Desire. In mid-April, Deville hit that turning point where she came out of Rose’s shadow and delivered her best promo to date.

She recently spoke to the New York Post about several different topics including cyberbullying, coming out, her time on Total Divas and Tough Enough, and if we will see a sincere lesbian storyline in WWE.

Deville was asked about the moment she had her aforementioned promo, how she felt, and if she feels this was a career-changing moment for her.

“Yeah, I think so. I’ve always known what I’m capable of. I just wanted the time to show the audience. I’ve been waiting for that time for the last five years since I signed with WWE and I think timing is everything. It happened to be the best possible time for me in a great scenario and I’m finally showing the WWE Universe what I always knew I was capable of.”

“There’s obviously a lot of realness to it, a lot of facts in it. And I feel like with any great message if it comes from the heart and it comes from something that you truly believe in then it’s gonna be genuine. Obviously, who we are (in WWE) is part of who we actually are and I think that’s what makes Sonya relatable, too.”

Mandy previously stated that she feels having this moment in front of no crowd actually helped the impact of it. Deville was asked how she felt in regards to it being done without a crowd.

“I do feel like just the utter silence, you could hear a pin drop in the Performance Center when we were talking and I was kind of just able to kind of just hone in and look Mandy dead in the eye, no distractions, no boos, no yays, nothing to give the viewer at home any kind of bias opinion. It was just me and her and it’s left for you guys to decide at home what you thought about it. You could feel every single piece of our emotion through our voices.”

Credit: WWE

Further in the interview, Deville described how she felt about her advocacy work has been for being an openly lesbian wrestler.

“It’s a very gratifying and fulfilling thing for me because I was on the other side of the coin five, six years ago looking up to people on television, feeling comfort in having allies that represented me on media and TV and film and entertainment in general. So to be that for the next generation and for the youth who might not be comfortable with who they are, it’s super relatable for me because I was that person not too long ago.”

She also explains if she feels a sincere lesbian storyline is on the horizon or not. At the beginning of this year, there was a slight storyline between Liv Morgan and Lana, but it lasted all about five seconds. Deville had previously wanted a storyline with Rose but that was scrapped.

“I think anything’s possible. Especially this year, I don’t rule it out at all. Like I’ve said in the past, inclusion is important in every aspect of life, including sports entertainment, and I think that the company would agree on that. I think it’s definitely a possibility this year.”

For the full interview with the New York Post you can click here.

What are your thoughts on where Sonya’s career is heading? Do you see he going far? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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