Thursday, February 13, 2025
HomeHeadlinesTaya Valkyrie makes history and Tenille Dashwood is ready for gold

Taya Valkyrie makes history and Tenille Dashwood is ready for gold


Taya Valkyrie was one title match away from breaking the record for longest reigning Knockouts Champion in IMPACT Wrestling history.

Everyone waited to hear who her opponent would be in Mexico City. Many thought it would be the newest signee Tenille Dashwood. The champion promised that this would be a big opponent. One that has been on everyone’s lips.

Valkyrie had to defeat none other than Big Mami!

Big Mami is currently signed to Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. She is a former AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champion. Although Big Mami tried her best, she was no match for the Knockouts Champion. Valkyrie retained her title and in just two days she will be declared as the longest-reigning champion in Impact history.

After the match, Valkyrie takes to the mic and continues to mock Big Mami. Tenille Dashwood’s music hits and she makes her way out to the ring and goes face to face with the champion. Valkyrie starts yelling at her in Spanish. Dashwood doesn’t waste any time and takes her down to the mat. Johnny Bravo attempts to intervene, but she takes him out as well.

The segment ends with Valkyrie retreating and Dashwood holding up the Knockouts title. The announcers make note that Bound For Glory is just around the corner in October. Could this be Dashwood’s time to finally capture gold?