Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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The Diva Dirt Perfect 10: Week of October 10th, 2011

It’s back! The Diva Dirt Perfect 10 makes a return as we look at the movers and shakers of the Divas and Knockouts division this past week a la WWE.com’s Power 25. Which femme fatales impressed on Raw, SmackDown, NXT, Superstars, Impact Wrestling and FCW? (Note: Pay per views will be counted the following week.)

Let’s find out…

#10. Traci Brooks

Last Week

This week, our #10 spot goes to TNA Knockout Traci Brooks, who finally got a small measure of revenge on the evil dictator, Karen Jarrett, by allowing Velvet Sky to trip her up and allow Miss Karen to experience a bit of humiliation herself.

It’s always great to see Traci on TV, although Miss Karen may not agree!

Continue on for #9…

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