Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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The Tiffany Guide to Impact: Poetry in Motion


To play off the simmering feud between Alissa Flash and Sarita as well as last week’s encounter between Traci Brooks and Taylor Wilde, last night’s TNA Impact set the tone for a respective heel vs. face tag team match.

Traci Brooks and Taylor Wilde start off the match with Taylor embracing Traci from behind and tossing her over with an arm drag.  Taylor runs the ropes and cartwheels over Traci, leading her into a second arm drag and a kick to the midsection.  Traci counters an Irish Whip which sends Taylor to the corner.  Traci suffers another stiff kick to the ribs and Taylor sets her up for an innovative flip off of the top turnbuckle.  Traci exits the ring to collect herself and soon tags in Alissa Flash.

Taylor and Alissa begin to get a feel for each other through a series of discouraged offense, but before any chemistry between them can be further explored, Taylor tags in Sarita.  Alissa delivers a kick and a chop, but Sarita counters with a headscissors takedown.  She then avenges Alissa’s chops in the corner.  Alissa follows Sarita into the opposite corner where Sarita flips her over with a springboard arm drag.  While Alissa and Traci catch a breather on the outside, Sarita, with an assist from Taylor Wilde, delivers an awe-inspiring diving crossbody to their opposition onto the floor.  As TNA takes another look, Sarita’s fluidity is aptly deemed by Don West as “poetry in motion.”

Watch the match and more after the cut:

Taylor Wilde goes for the 3-count on Alissa Flash, who kicks out just in time.  Alissa tosses Taylor to the ropes and Taylor is hung up by an interference from Traci.  Traci receives a kick to her head for her troubles, but Alissa Flash attacks Taylor from behind.  A spinning scoop slam onto Taylor, and Alissa goes for the pinfall.  Unsuccessful, she tags in Traci Brooks.  Traci loosens Taylor up with a stinging slap against the chest and chokes her against the ropes.  Taylor is roughly taken down by a clothesline.  Traci’s attempts result in a couple of near-falls.  Traci then takes a cheap shot at Sarita while she and her partner take advantage of the distraction.  Taylor Wilde’s face bounces off of the mat in result of the brutal standing deathlock surfboard also known as the “curbstomp” courtesy of Alissa Flash.  Taylor kicks out.  Traci is tagged in and continues to do her best to cut the ring in half.  Taylor fights back and both Knockouts are taken down in a collision.  The referee begins to count, but both women manage to tag out.

A very fresh Sarita makes quick work of both Traci and Alissa Flash.  With an impressive handstand transition off of Traci, she fights out of Alissa’s hold and wraps her into a unique surfboard armbar and headscissor submission.  Traci interrupts the hold and is taken out by Taylor Wilde.  Alissa sets Sarita up for a slam, but Sarita envelopes her into a crucifix and a small package for the win.

As Sarita and Taylor Wilde celebrate their victory, they are blindly attacked by their adversaries.  Pandering to the crowd, Alissa Flash disposes of Sarita with a modified version of the Great Sasuke’s Michinoku Driver.

Watch the match below:

Traci Brooks & Alissa Flash vs. Taylor Wilde & Sarita

The ongoing feud between ODB and Angelina Love has brought upon a Knockout title opportunity, as I predicted.  Thus, a match has been announced at Hard Justice.  Backstage with Lauren, the Beautiful People discuss the terms of a Four-Corners match that will occur next week among ODB, Angelina Love, Awesome Kong, and Victoria as well as the impending PPV match-up that will place Velvet Sky in Angelina Love’s corner as well as Cody Deaner in ODB’s.  Looks like Madison Rayne gets the shaft once again.

Watch the segment below:

The Beautiful People Backstage Segment

There isn’t any development towards the Victoria and Kong rivalry.  Otherwise, this was a decent week for the Knockouts.  I must admit, Traci does a believable job now that she’s back in heel bitch mode.  However, the dynamic between her and Taylor wears a bit thin.  There’s not much explanation there besides Taylor explaining how she looked up to Traci and that Traci let her down.  Whatever. Now that we have a title match at Hard Justice in the works, we’ll just have to see if the Tara/Kong feud can possibly spill into the PPV event as well.

Don West seemed to be high on the Knockouts this week with his sugar-coated compliments of their in-ring work.  Early in the match, he describes Sarita as a female X-division wrestler and even goes onto claim that “there is no women’s division in the world that can even touch what the Knockouts bring.”  Hmm, trying to redeem your comments from a couple weeks, I see.  Well, it is nice to get some confirmation, eh?

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