Thursday, July 25, 2024

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TNA British Boot Camp 2 Write-Up: Episode 5, “The Final Six”

Good day British Boot Camp fans! After four weeks of auditions, back and forth Grado name dropping and an action packed wrestling show in the UK, we have at last arrived to America with our six finalists. British Boot Camp host and winner of season one, Rockstar Spud, welcomes and introduces our final six as they arrive to the States.

We open up this week’s episode with a quick recap of all our finalist. Our only female representative, Kay Lee Ray from Glasgow, Scotland understands the challenges that can come from being a woman in a male dominant business such as wrestling. Still, the high flying daredevil plans to use her diversity to her advantage by showcasing something different she can bring to the competition. Something that can be a stretch when going up against our other finalists such as rising high flying stars Mark Andrews and Noam Dar, intimidating heavyweights such as Dave Mastiff and Rampage Brown and of course everyone’s favorite, the ever so lovable Grado.

Upon their arrival to Nashville, our contestants are scheduled for a lunch meeting with the woman who one of them may soon call their boss, TNA President Dixie Carter. (Oh how I’ve missed seeing Madam Carter on a regular weekly basis.) Putting her TV character to the side, Dixie gets down to business and begins to analyze the talents sitting at the lunch table with her; looking for first impressions much like she did during the first season of British Boot Camp.

Towards the end of this lunch session, Dixie goes on to explain how the rest of the competition will play out. She announces that there will be a six man tag that next week and that from there, only three will continue on as three of them would be eliminated. From there, the remaining three finalist would each then have the task of stepping into the ring with a TNA Superstar. Already having planned ahead, Dixie reveals who each of our contestants would potentially square off should they advance. It will be Rampage Brown taking on Bram, Dave Mastiff against Samoa Joe, Grado versus EC III, Mark Andrews against DJ Z, Noam Dar (who was hoping to be paired with Angelina Love) facing Austin Aries and finally Kay Lee Ray against Gail Kim. All these matches sound like a worthy card for any show!

After Dixie’s lunch meeting, she leads our final six to an RV where they will set off to Washington for an American Tour with Rockstar Spud taking the role of their tour guide. It’s a lively ride in the RV as everyone enjoys the ride and being amongst each other. Well, almost everyone with the exception of Grado slightly getting on the Dave Mastiff’s nerves. Sporting his very patriotic suit, Rockstar Spud guides our UK group all through the highlights of Washington while dropping incorrect trivia.

A fun shorten episode this week but as Dixie Carter announced, we get back into the competition next week with a big six man tag following the remaining finalist squaring off against a TNA superstar. Here’s hoping that one of those potential matches we see include an awaited Gail Kim versus Kay Lee Ray.

Watch Christy Hemme break down the episode below:

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