Thursday, February 6, 2025

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TNA to Rhaka Khan: You “Ain’t Nobody”

What’s that smell? Oh right… the smell of fire purging TNA Knockout, Rhaka Khan. According to Internet reports, the former WWE developmental talent has some heat on her over, wait for it… trading cards!

Rhaka Khan also has backstage heat. She attended the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony yet nothing much was made about that, since TNA figured she was fairly new to the business and thus not as politically savvy about such matters (Velvet Sky also attended, since she is dating Gregory Helms). However, she also failed to sign 1,000 trading cards at the recent TV tapings, which everybody on the roster has to do as part of a new trading card deal the company has started. She took them home to sign and then fed-ex in, which a number of the main event wrestlers also did. This rubbed some the wrong way, since she is obviously not at main event level, but matters grew worse when the trading card company contacted TNA since her signatures didn’t all look the same and in some the Rhaka Khan name was spelled wrong. She said she had gotten tired and started experimenting with her signature. Jeff Jarrett finally just sent her home from the tapings.

Damn, is money so tight in TNA that they can’t just print off cards based on a prototype like normal people do? Somebody inform Guantanamo – Jeff Jarrett has thought up a new method of torture! Just have those pesky terrorists sign 1,000 trading cards and they’ll ‘fess up all you need to know! You make me sign 1,000 cards and I’d go a little stir crazy too. Furthermore, having heat on Rhaka coz she’s not a main event level talent is just lol-worthy when their idea of main event talent are Kevin Nash (a man so past it, his gravestone has already been picked out) and Tyson Tomko (a man who was essentially, Trish Stratus‘ bitch).

We’re siding with Rhaka in what is just another display of why TNA isn’t a global icon like WWE even though they like to think they are. Even if she can’t spell her own ring name, we can and we got your back girl!

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