Friday, July 26, 2024

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Torrie Puts the WWE on Blast: “My Feelings Are Hurt”

If you ask any Diva fan, they’ll tell you that the WrestleMania XXV’s “Miss WrestleMania” match was a gigantic disappointment. However, that disappointment is not limited to us lowly spectators – the overwhelming stench of fail has managed to permeate to its participants. Torrie Wilson, one of the match’s “special attractions”, feels much like we do. In a recent interview, Torrie vented her disappointment with the battle royal, as well as the WWE’s lack of support during her run on NBC’s I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!:

What are your thoughts on the divas battle royal that you participated in at WrestleMania XXV? It seemed like a bit of a cluster.
I’m very mad at myself and embarrassed that I agreed to be a part of something like that. A lot of people in the audience didn’t even know that I was in that match because they didn’t even announce it. For me, that whole experience at WrestleMania was kind of like closure. I feel like maybe I’m not appreciated like I would have hoped. They just wanted all these girls there. Now I can understand why Trish [Stratus] decided not to do it; she was smart. Going into it I trusted them that they would use me in the right way and I should have known better. All in all, I learned a valuable lesson.

When you say it was closure, do you think that’s it for you as far as doing anything in wrestling?
I do. I just didn’t appreciate that experience and I felt very unappreciated after all of the years that I put in for them. You combine that with the fact that I asked them to do a little thing on to “vote for Torrie” and they just ignored me. So, my feelings are hurt.

I think, with these remarks, it’s safe to say that Torrie and the WWE aren’t exactly the best of pals anymore. She says her feelings are hurt, but what was she expecting? The WWE isn’t exactly known for helping its ex-employees on the road to lucrative post-wrestling careers. Maybe they thought she wasn’t repping them enough on the show? As the saying goes, “you scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours.”

Either way, those of you hoping for a WWE return (even a Trish Stratus-esque “one-off” appearance) may have to put that dream on hold. Though, I’m a Celebrity… may have broadened her horizons and given her opportunities outside of the WWE. Hey, she can join BFF Candice and do some charity work! Surely, dealing with Janice Dickinson must have given her some experience in working with children.

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