Saturday, September 7, 2024

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Victoria’s ‘Last Hurrah’ at WrestleMania

victoria-mma(PHOTOS: Lisa Marie Varon)

Ever the professional, retired former Women’s Champion, Victoria waited until WWE confirmed her appearance at WrestleMania before blogging about it. And since WWE made the announcement at their press conference yesterday, Victoria has spoken out.

The ex-Diva, real name Lisa Marie Varon, calls WrestleMania her ‘last hurrah’ in professional wrestling, and what a ‘last hurrah’ it is is, Victoria. My hat goes off to you…

For those of you who follow my blogs, I try not to let the cat out of the bag when it comes to WWE. So I did not mention to anyone that I was asked to participate in Wrestlemania XXV. But since is was announced at a WWE press conference, I suppose that there is no harm in confirming it. I will be there. I will participate. I will kick Diva booty…and I still may have a small suprise up my sleeve…It’s a big deal to me. When I left WWE, I was of the mindset that I would never wrestle again. I’ve done some guest appearances, but no actual wrestling. So this will be my last hurrah…

Victoria will be joined by fellow Diva legends Molly Holly, Sunny and Torrie Wilson as well as former Tough Enough Champion, Jackie Gayda.

Since retiring from wrestling, Victoria has taken up MMA as you can see from the kickass images above. Looks intense!

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