Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Weekend House Show Round-Up (March 5th-7th, 2010): Beth Goes Good

As per request, we’ve decided to do a round-up of the weekend house show results for those of you who are interested. Results below:

Saturday, March 6th, 2010
Gail Kim & Kelly Kelly def. Alicia Fox & Maryse

Beth Phoenix and Tiffany def. Layla & Natalya
Usual Diva fare; Phoenix and Natalya have talent, but didn’t square off much. Phoenix pinned Layla following a Glam Slam. (Source:

Sunday, March 7th, 2010
Gail Kim & Kely Kelly def. Alicia Fox & Maryse (Santino as special guest referee)
Kelly Kelly did a stinkface on Alicia Fox. Kelly Kelly hit a leg drop and got the pin. After the match, Maryse attacked Alicia Fox and Santino somehow ended up rolling aroud with them for a bit. (Source:

Beth Phoenix & Tiffany def. Layla & Natalya

You can send us house show results to [email protected].

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