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Winners & Losers: AEW Dynamite 05.13.20

We’re back again for another week of AEW Dynamite. A show that features four of the best wrestlers in the women’s division all going head-to-head in a four-way match.

Credit: AEW

Before we get into Dynamite there was an action-packed episode of Dark that featured Britt Baker vs Skyler Moore and Kris Statlander vs Dani Jordyn.

Its been a while since we have seen Kris Statlnder and it was great to see the ‘Galaxy’s Greatest Alien’ back in the ring.

Statlander would control the match with some strong mat-based wrestling but would miss a baseball slide, which would allow Jordyn to get in some offence. However, Statlander’s athleticism, power and the Big Bang Theory would get her the victory.

Next up was Britt Baker vs Skyler Moore, who was making her second appearance for AEW.

Credit: AEW

Baker was her usual conniving self, using deceit and aggression to joyfully destroy her opponent and pick another victory.

Another really good showing from Baker, who just gets better each and every week.

Onto this week’s AEW Dynamite and a rather tasty looking four-way match of Hikaru Shida vs. Penelope Ford vs. Dr. Britt Baker vs. Kris Statlander.

Credit: AEW

Lets get to the action.

As the bell rings all four get it on until Baker begins to work over Shida with a curb-stomp. The brawl continues with Baker and Shida going for eachother. A failed Lock-Jaw attempt allows Statlander to grab Baker by the nose and drag her off Shida.

Statlander hoists baker onto her shoulder but eats a Penelope Ford assissted Tornado DDT. Baker and Shida spill outside while Statlander slams Ford into the mat for two-count that was broken up by Shida.

Baker and Shida go at it once again with Shida attempting a Superplex that is interupted by Statlander who slams them both from the top turnbuckle. Ford leaps from the other turnbuckle but Statlander catches her. Drops her. Then awakwardly carries over to Baker and Shida and then dumps her on top of them.

We return from the break wth Statlander and Shida exchanging strikes. Statlander goes for the Big Bang Theory but Baker superkicks her from behind.

Baker hits Statlander with a Canadian Destroyer, then kind of crawls over to her as if stuck in thick mud, then gets up and stands there and watches Peneolpe run past her and drop her with a springboard cutter. Bizarre.

Ford hits Shida with a stunner, Baker hit Ford with a swinging neckbreaker, Statlander hits Falcon Arrow for a two-count.

Shida suplexes Ford into Statlander and then throws both her and Baker to the outside. Ford gets Shida with a missile dropkick for a two-count. The for some reason Ford and Sabian start making out on the ring apron and both eat an inzaguri. Shida than slams ford with a Falcon Arrow for two.

The pin is broken up Statlander who then hoists Ford into the electric chair position. Ford hits a horrible poisonrana, in which she almost knocked herself out.

Statlander and Baker brawl outside while Shida then catches Ford and plants her with a backbreaker and running knee strike for the victory.

This was an ok but unfortunately a very sloppy match. There were some timing and communication issues that led to some messy looking spots. Shida getting the win was the right decision that gives her steam heading into Double or Nothing where she will challenge Nyla Rose for the AEW Women’s Championship.

Later on, in the show, Shida is cutting a promo backstage and interrupted by Rose who smashes her with her missing kendo stick. “I found your kendo stick bitch!”

Baker and Statlander is also announced for Double or Nothing, meaning that there is two women’s matches on the PPV. Good times.

Onto the winners and losers.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

Another victory under her belt and finally onto challenge for the title. Shida is a big threat to Nyla and her toughest challenge to date.

Loser: Penelope Ford

Despite her improvement since joining AEW, Penelope Ford needs to perfect her timing in the ring and some of her more athletic manoeuvres as she is going to herself bad one day.

Final Thoughts

As stated earlier the match wasn’t great, which is weird because they are all good to great wrestlers but the timing was off and nothing seemed to click. However, out of this match we now have Nyla Rose vs. Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women’s Championship and Britt Baker vs. Kris Statlander, which is cetainly a step in the right direction for AEW’s women’s divison.

What did you make of the show? Let us know in the comments below. As always stay tuned Diva Dirt for all of your AEW news, reviews and updates.

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