Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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WWE Main Event Redux (March 27th, 2015): One More for the Road to WrestleMania

Alright, so it turns out the last Superstars Redux wasn’t the least you’d heard from me before WrestleMania. Tonight I bring you the Main Event Redux, and you can blame this one on the fact that the Divas were left off of half of the spoiler reports. I get so ticked off when that happens.

Moving on.

IT’S WRESTLEMANIA SUNDAY, PEOPLE. Diva Dirt has something special coming for you soon, trust me. TRUST ME.

And now to the match. It’s Naomi vs. Alicia Fox once again. Let’s enjoy this little nugget before the show later tonight, shall we? It’s sure to be a cracker, and as I said in the Superstars write up it’s nice that WWE is giving time to the other ladies in the run up to the biggest night of the year.

Naomi is out first, looking lovely in her newest gear. Alicia follows her out, and the referee calls for the bell. The ladies lock up and Alicia drags Naomi into the corner. An arm drag and a shoulder block later and Alicia is in early control. Naomi’s not one to stay down, though, as she grounds Alicia quickly. She keeps her tight in a headlock and then rolls her up off the ropes, but it’s only a one count.

Naomi works the arm of Alicia now, but Alicia fights out with some right forearms to the face. Naomi is barely fazed and nails a hurricanrana. She then catches Alicia in the corner with that famous butt of hers, leaving Alicia livid. Alicia retaliates with a very nasty back breaker and earns herself a two count.

Alicia works Naomi over in the corner, then grounds her with a big Northern Lights Suplex. Alicia always delivers them beautifully, but it’s still only a count of two. Naomi’s not going down easy, but she is looked winded in the ring. Alicia now with a headlock, trying to wear Naomi right down. The key to beating Naomi, as Alicia well knows by now, is to keep her on the mat and that’s exactly what she’s doing here.

Alicia once again with the head lock, in full control as she launches Naomi into the turnbuckle and pounds on her. Suddenly, like a kindling fire, Naomi erupts out of the corner with a knee to the side of the head and a big series of clotheslines. Now with a bulldog into the second turnbuckle, and before Alicia even has time to get her bearings, Naomi has rolled her up and got the one, two three! That’s three in a row for Miss Naomi!

Thoughts: This was a nice little match. I’m not sure if they’re trying to build a story between these two women, because right now it’s simply a battle of athleticism with Naomi coming out on top and leaving Alicia sour-faced. I would love to see this develop into something more, but only time will tell. Though if rumours are true and WWE really does plan to step up their Diva plan post-Wrestlemania, then I’m all for it.

Naomi looked great as always, and Alicia continues to play vicious very well. I look forward to more matches between the two of them, although I do hope WWE let’s them branch out and tackle some of the other ladies.

Alright, for real this time, I’m signing off for Wrestlemania. I’ll see you on the flip side!


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