Thursday, July 25, 2024

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WWE Superstars Spoilers: August 14th, 2014

Below are spoilers for this Thursday’s edition of WWE Superstars:

* The Superstars taping opened up the show with Emma vs. Alicia Fox. The crowd is definitely more into Alicia Fox as the match gets underway, with a few people here and there throwing out some Emma chants. After a series of rolls, Emma threw Fox to the outside, but when she went to follow her out, Fox tripped her on the apron and took over. Back in the ring Alicia hit a perfect Northern Lights Suplex before applying a chinlock. The crowd rallied, and Fox lifted Emma up into back breaker position, walked her over to the ropes, and dumped her from the middle rope directly to the floor, back first. Emma eventually started making a comeback with a bunch of standing strikes, and got a couple of near falls. At this point, the crowd is solidly behind Emma, who applies the tarantula, then hits a cross body block off the top for a 2 count. Emma then applies her version of the Last Chancery for the submission victory.


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