Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Family Friendly WWE

“Your Two Cents” is our interactive feature where we gauge the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers on different discussions in women’s wrestling.

This week, we’re asking this: With Linda McMahon losing her bid for the Senate, we want to know: do you think the WWE will stay on its more family friendly route? Would a change be good for the Divas? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

Eric Sturrock | I hope they go back to TV-14. I hope we have bra and panties matchs every two months, but make it good wrestling plus the sexy stuff, a B&P match that goes over 10 minutes with good wrestling! Good storylines with some crude langauge and sexyness. Wrestling should be fun and funny. The poor WWE Divas are kept against a Berlin wall. In the past they strived and had main events, storylines, matches! I miss a Diva Steel Cage match, a Hardcore match. Let the girls have fun too!
@GregLucM | Two part answer – 1 – No, the WWE will not change. It is beholden to networks and sponsors to remain family-friendly, a hole it dug perhaps partly because of Linda McMahon’s campaign, but also to seek a wider audience.

2 – Yes, a change would benefit the Divas, but it would be small. Even with a more “adult” direction, WWE would need to invest the time and creative energy to benefit them. The quick go to would be T&A, which would mean more facetime and perhaps more creative energy as a result, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Addendum – Something to think about is the potential for firings. Part of Linda’s platform was job creation, and it would’ve looked bad for WWE to do it’s usual mass cleaning. But with Linda out of the picture now, I’m most fearful for some individuals’ future endeavors with the company, including one or two women.

Jamie M | I hope a change is in order. Get rid of the silly, untalented little girls & bring back real talent. I dare them to hire an “unattractive” woman that’s just a great wrestler. I hope they cut the division down in size and allow for real matches. After that let em mix it up with the boys. I wold love to see Chyna, Ivory, Lita, Jackie & Luna style mixed matches but I would settle for Sensational Sherri style managers. Let the women be tough again!!.
Jonathan Carmona | I think that in the last four years the family/kid market has grown so much in the WWE that It would be very unlikely for them to change back to what they were. The Divas are now portrayed mostly as role models, Instead of being the eye-candy they once were. The WWE stars guest star in Disney show and other kid related stuff. Maybe they will spice up things a little more with story lines and the way they speak to eachother, but we won’t see Eve Torres or like an AJ Lee coming out dressed like Torrie Wilson or Candice Michelle used to.
Josue Guzman | Did things change when Linda McMahon lost her bid in 2010? No. Why should we expect anything different this time around? WWE has clearly made their mind that they are content with keeping things the way they are: “PG Rated” or “Family Friendly”. They’ve launched WWE Kids Magazines, established the “Be a Star” program for kids in schools, cut ties with Playboy, toned down the language/violence on the shows, all in an effort to to please their NOW core audience of moms and their children.

Sure the Attitude was fun and memorable but sometimes fans get so stuck in the past that they tend to overlook and under appreciate what is given to them today. The problem I have with WWE is that despite this new audience they’ve targeted, they have placed their Divas Division in the back burner, which from a business perspective, makes no sense. Why NOT promote the Divas to all the moms and fan girls that are watching by giving the Divas screen time, character development and in ring action to show that they can be just as entertaining as the male Superstars.

Leron Mason | No way do I want them to go back to the Attitude Era. People look back fondly in that Era because of Trish Stratus and Lita, but look at the garbage even THEY were subjected to. Hopefully, with the hiring of actual women wrestlers and Sara Del Rey training them, we will see an improvement make its way to television when the new crop of women get called up. They have THE future of women’s wrestling under contract with Paige, so I think things will improve once she is called up and AJ begins wrestling more.
@oneweaklink | They’ll stay family-friendly for business reasons (after all they gotta make that $50 million back). USA Network is encouraging them to do special themed episodes of Raw, so why not do a one night 8 team mixed-tag tournament? The Divas would be an important part, but wouldn’t have to carry matches (and if the AJ/Cena vs Ziggler/Vickie Guerrero angle is leading toward a match anyway, this would be a good way to set it up- Have Vickie pair Eve with Ziggler, then have Eve be “attacked” during the night, and Vince forces Vickie to be the replacement- and of course they would meet in the finals).
Randi Parker | Depends. I don’t want it to go back to bra and panties matches all the time and bikini contests either!!
@sunderland101 | They’ll stay PG cause of the Mattel deal and a change to adult orientated show would get Divas TV time, but not for the right reasons.

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? Is a change in content on the horizon? Tell us in the comments…

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