Friday, July 26, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Favorite Ongoing Diva Feud

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Of the multiple ongoing Diva feuds, which are you most interested in? Why? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Adrian Flores Kanellis: Naomi against Cameron. They both have amazing potential in their own style so if they sell it as it is supposed to, it will be AWESOME.
  • Albie Gayagoy: Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella. Not only because we’re all crossing our fingers for Stephanie to set foot in the ring and compete for the first time in 10 years, but also because it’s great having a divas feud add fuel to male maineventers’ characters. Just like how AJ Lee did with John Cena and CM Punk. Just like how Stacy Keibler did with Scott Steiner. Just like Melina did with Mick Foley. The list goes on.
  • Ashley Matthew: Right now, Paige and AJ because it has the potential to help Paige get over more with the crowd, especially the ones who don’t already know her from her NXT days. The feud between AJ and Paige will be interesting because Paige has the possibility of bringing back her Anti-Diva gimmick and turning heel. This is good because Paige can do more as a heel than a face with her character and AJ doesn’t really need to be the heel anymore as she’s already accomplished enough as a heel plus with AJ becoming face, her move set will not be as limited as it was when she was a heel.
  • @BorisGlisic: Layla vs. Summer. We didn’t have catfight type of feud in a long time and now we get it. And it’s perfect!
  • @DeAndreP25: The Funks breaking up. They will bring something different out of each other that we haven’t seen yet.
  • @DevikiSkyP: AJ & Paige’s; AJ’s return caught a lot by surprise and winning the title was shocking! Plants seeds for the next few months!
  • Jonathan Carmona: Naomi and Cameron because they have been a team since FCW and now in 2014 it’s about time that they break on their own. People think that only Naomi will benefit from this. I think this will benefit both. Cameron will have to step up her game in the ring and she can stand out with her heel character. In the other hand Naomi is going to have to showcase her own charisma which she needs to be the full package.
  • Mauricio Cordova: The BFFs on NXT haha! To be honest I want to see more Cameron/Naomi in the next weeks.
  • Randi Parker: I am liking them all to be honest. You have Nikki vs. The Authority – I want to know how Cena is going to play into this. Cameron and Naomi – where is the going to lead for both of them? Then you have Summer and Layla – now is is going to be with Fandango and Dolph Ziggler or what, and is this leading to Summer and Ziggler becoming an item or at least Summer as his manager? And then you have AJ vs. Paige and I am just hoping this feud last longer than a month. I want to see some awesome matches. I am loving the double turn. It is just an awesome time to be a Divas fan.
  • Scott Johnson: AJ and Paige for sure. These are two of the best wrestlers currently in the Divas division. A well written, lengthy story between the two, could turn a lot of heads toward the Divas in a very good way.
  • Yuna Zoey: The Bellas vs Stephanie. If WWE does this right, I can see them involving Cena and HHH. Right now Steph is picking on Nikki cos Brie is out. Cena eventually makes a comment about Steph that HHH doesn’t like and gets involved leading to a mixed tag match with the championships on the line with the stipulations that if JC/NB win, Brie gets her job back but if they lose, Nikki is fired.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! Which ongoing Diva feud interests you the most?

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