Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Predicting Paige vs. Nikki Bella at Fastlane

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Give us your predictions for Paige vs. Nikki Bella at this Sunday’s Fastlane. We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • @1andOnly_BDC: I want Paige to win but because of her recent push and the pull of certain top stars, Nikki will win.
  • Brandon Tyler Henderson: I just want a good match and the Divas Title to be defended at WrestleMania. Idc who wins.
  • Joey Elsperger: Nikki will retain her title and Charlotte will be called up to the main roster and challenge Nikki.
  • John Finnie: Nikki retains, then Tamina Snuka makes her return and lays claim to the Divas Title. After all, this is Tamina’s annual PPV.
  • Joseph Arnold: AJ Lee interferes in the title match and Paige wins.
  • Mark Viczian: I think Brie Bella will turn on her sister and help Paige to win.
  • Matthew Brown: As much as I hate to say it, I have a feeling that Nikki will win. This will then set up another sibling feud between Brie and Nikki setting up a Divas Championship between them both at WrestleMania. WWE should do this by having Brie win a number one contender’s match and have the tension between them build up and a couple of weeks before WrestleMania, have Brie reveal her true intentions for siding with her sister turning her face because she suits being a face better than a heel.
  • Mauricio Cordova: Nikki Bella will retains the Divas Championship with help of Brie.
    A returning AJ Lee and Paige in the title hunt, will lead to a Fatal Four-Way match at WrestleMania XXXI.
  • @RealBrianWWE: Paige wins, AJ Lee returns, hopefully Charlotte debuts and they all have a match at WrestleMania!
  • Samuel C. Garner: I think Nikki will retain. She’s been a solid heel champion and beating Paige would give her more heat. Plus Paige has already had two chances with the belt and failed both times, so she needs to lose here.
  • Steven Fillmore: I think Nikki Bella will retain the Divas Championship. A number one contender’s Battle Royal will be held the next night on Raw. Brie will end up winning the battle royal which will set up a title match between them two at WrestleMania. What happens between then and WrestleMania I’m unsure, but I hope they build the match up well.
  • @supportingeve: Nikki distracts the ref, Brie pulls the “hairspray” trick, blinds Paige with Nikki for the win, setting a triple threat at WM.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! What is your prediction for Fastlane?

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