Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Predictions for Extreme Rules

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: What’s your prediction for the Divas Title match between Paige and Tamina Snuka at this Sunday’s Extreme Rules? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Adrian Flores Kanellis: I’m pretty sure that it will be an amazing match full of submission locks, great grappling and some flying moves, but it will end with Paige retaining her title.
  • @ATweetFromScott: I think Paige will win. Then, after the match, AJ Lee will return and attack her, thus setting up their feud.
  • @FuckedUpGoddess: Tamina will win, thus causing AJ to come out and ambush her, causing a Tamina vs. AJ feud.
  • @Funtroon: Paige retains. Tamina is only a filler opponent for Paige until AJ makes her big comeback.
  • Harry Saludares: Im with Tamina. Then AJ will return and feud with Tamina over the championship.
  • @isabusterr: Paige will win but something will happen, AJ maybe returning?
  • Jesús Angel Moreno Santos: Paige will win. I’m more excited for the full match than the result. This could be a “respect me, I am a women But I am a wrestler too” match for all the Divas division.
  • @joel_whoreAlot: Paige will win. Then AJ Lee will come out skipping with a crazy look on her face, probably with a fake Divas Title belt, saying she never lost.
  • @notoriouseddie: Paige crushes Tamina.
  • Randi Parker: I don’t see WWE taking the title off Paige this soon, and with the rumors that they want to build her up strong, I see Paige winning!
  • @wwe4life011098: Tamina vs. Paige is about to end, AJ comes out of nowhere, causes a DQ triple threat made for Payback June 1st with weeks of buildup.
  • Yasmin Walid: I think it will ended up in DQ. Paige will retain, due to interference from the returning (and more psychotic) AJ.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! What do you think will happen at Extreme Rules?

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