Sunday, February 16, 2025

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Your Two Cents: Predictions for Nikki Bella vs. Paige at Money in the Bank

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Give us your predictions for Nikki Bella vs. Paige at Money in the Bank. We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • @AntiKingAndrew: Paige will win, considering how long they’ve had this rivalry. Either a clean win or she turns heel and wins by interference.
  • @blight82: Paige wins and brings the title onto the Tough Enough panel.
  • @CatherineNikita: Paige through aligning with Emma and Summer Rae (I WISH) or ends in DQ through Naomi/Tamina Snuka interference.
  • David Bentz: Paige gets screwed again, Nikki retains as WWE continues to build up Nikki as the one to break AJ Lee‘s record. Then the closer she gets, the more shock value it becomes when it doesn’t happen.
  • @HarryoOddie: Nikki Bella will win, and beat AJ’s reign. Paige will be the first with 4 reigns, because WWE want to write out AJ now apparently.
  • Joseph Roberson: I predict the debut of an NXT girl. The time is now.
  • @JRonaldJenkins: It’s likely that nothing different will happen, despite what Paige said, but if there is change, it may be Charlotte‘s debut.
  • @KuriusMaximus: Going with Nikki. I like Paige but I don’t want her to have another run with the title so soon.
  • @lkiroh: Nikki wins with twin magic, nothing unexpected happens. We will have to wait for Raw for a surprise (possibly Charlotte’s debut).
  • Mark Viczian: Naomi will interact in the match and Nikki will retain with her help. After the match Naomi attacks Nikki and Eva Marie comes out and make the save.
  • Matthew Brown: It’s so obvious that Nikki will retain. But I have a feeling that it will be down to twin magic again. I would like it for Naomi and Tamina to come out after the match and lay both Paige and Nikki out, showing her dominance and that she’ll walk over anyone who gets in her way of achieving her goal!
  • Raphael Lamounier: I’d love to see Paige winning the title with the help of Summer Rae and Emma. They could be a strong stable breaking the Divas of the main roster apart and claiming that the former NXT Divas were superior until the moment of the 4 Horsewomen of the NXT Charlotte, Bayley, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch come to bring peace to the Divas Division!
  • @Ty_Rants: Match will end in DQ with interference from Naomi to set up for the July 4th special rematch.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! What’s your prediction for Money in the Bank?

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