Friday, July 26, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Predictions for the Vickie Guerrero Invitational

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: What is your prediction for WrestleMania 30’s “Vickie Guerrero Invitational”? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Aaron Alexander: It would be great for AJ Lee to retain and then say that she’s proven to beat every single diva in the grandest stage of them all. Then hopefully someone new can make a splash.
  • @Aliakbar_Muh: Anyone can win, even vickie might end up putting herself in the match! I hope AJ retains.
  • Ashley Matthew: There’s definitely going to be a title change. It would be awesome if it was somebody completely unexpected because it would be more surprising but as of right now, it seems as if either Naomi, Nikki Bella or Tamina Snuka will get the win for the Divas Championship.
  • @dragonfaery: As much as I love Natalya and the Bellas I think Tamina is going to win it. She deserves it.
  • @JohnCenaFan62: I think AJ will retain so WWE can build up a Diva return, possibly Melina!
  • Jordan Boyer: I would LOVE to see Tamina win, but seeing as how she isn’t as over as the other Divas, it will either be a Bella or Natalya.
  • @JoseGonzIII: Nikki or Naomi will win. They are over the most and have both been great in the ring as of late! If not them, then Tamina or Alicia Fox!
  • Lan Galvez: AJ will win. I think Tamina will knocked down all of the Divas (except AJ) then AJ will manipulate Tamina then she’ll putting Tamina into the Black Widow.
  • @MVKronus: Hopefully it comes down to an AJ and Eva Marie showdown with Eva picking up the win.
  • Randi Parker: One of the Total Divas, I’m thinking either Naomi or Brie Bella. She has improved so much she deserves it. And not only should Tamina and AJ start a feud, one where AJ thinks she is better than Tamina for her reign, but another one should show breaks in the nod the Total Divas have on Raw and SmackDown!
  • Randy Wyatt III: Emma will win the title and fight with Paige, who is the best Diva in WWE. AJ gone crazy and feud with Vickie.
  • Saahil Sharma: Well it should be like this. Naomi winning the title and Tamina nailing AJ. This will make two storylines for divas in future. One for Divas Championship hunt and second of AJ Lee and Tamina. Hope WWE doesn’t screw this time and makes an undeserving Diva champion.
  • Spenser Duke Blevins: Paige needs to do a TNA Plan B and cash in her NXT Divas title to get in the match and win!
  • Steven Fillmore: I predict that the victorious Diva will be either Tamina, Nikki Bella or Naomi. If it’s Tamina, it will be with a Super Kick to AJ Lee, hence opening the door for a Tamina/AJ rivalry. If Nikki Bella wins it will obviously be with the Rack Attack and it will probably be to someone other than AJ, which will cause some controversy. If Naomi wins, she will do so by hitting the Rear View, followed up by the split-legged moonsault. I definitely don’t see AJ Lee retaining at WrestleMania XXX.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! What’s your prediction for WrestleMania 30?

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