Friday, July 26, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Women Winning Men’s Championships

“Your Two Cents” is our interactive feature where we gauge the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers on different discussions in women’s wrestling.

This week, we’re asking this: Yesterday in history, Chyna became the first (and so far only) woman to hold the Intercontinental Title. We want to know: do you think a Diva or Knockout these days could hold any of the men’s titles? If so, which one(s) and who? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

Adam Testa | In the big two, it will never happen. But it has happened in the indies and will continue to do so.
Brandon Magwood | Awesome Kong could easily become IC Champion. If she was given the ball she could be a great IC champion. Give her a good manager and it will work itself out.
Jesus A. Santiago Feliciano | I have to say Sara Del Rey and for the WWE Championship. She is basically one of the most dominant women wrestler of today…and also can you imagine sara vs cm punk it would be EPIC!!!
Josie Michelle Pearson | I just can’t see any of the girls today winning anything like that. Chyna was wrestling men long before she ever won any title! And to think, wrestling has changed and is not the same as it was back in the late ’90s!
Josue Guzman | In today’s era of wrestling, I don’t see the possibility of either company allowing their females to hold titles that belong to their male counterparts. Times have changed since Chyna’s day, inter-gender matches are extremely rare today and WWE has even changed their rules regarding mixed tag matches. The women must fight women and the men must fight men or a DQ will be issued unlike before where it didn’t matter who fought who.

TNA hasn’t recently pushed any of their women to wrestle men since Awesome Kong and the slight return of Chyna to revise her feud with Jeff Jarret so I don’t see it happening over there either.

@matthewhollie | The 1st woman to hold a major title in a promotion was Alissa Flash in 2010. I think Natalya will capture men’s gold soon.
Mikey Voodoo | Beth Phoenix of course, but Mickie James definitely has the talent, the ability, the experience (past TNA and present) and as well as the charisma to hold a top mens championship in TNA, maybe not a World Championship but def a smaller championship like the X Division Champion.
Ozzy Valentine | It wouldn’t be far fetched to see someone such as Beth, Natalya, or Kharma to win the Intercontinental Championship. Whereas the WWE Championship is clearly for the big guys, the IC title has more flexibility with its contenders. I can see Beth or Nattie winning the Championship in a variation match such as a battle royale or some sort of Gauntlet match. Kharma could believeably win it from many men. She went toe to toe with Dolph who is a very impressive wrestler. Kharma as the Champion would be pretty awesome.

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? Could a woman in WWE or TNA today win a men’s title? Tell us in the comments…

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