Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Brie Bella Talks Raising a Family, Traveling With Daniel Bryan & Why Wrestling is Perfect for Her

Brie Bella spoke to Rochester, New York’s Democrat and Chronicle about discovering wrestling, traveling with Daniel Bryan and eventually wanting to settle down to raise a family.

On discovering wrestling at age 21: “I said, ‘These girls are not only hot, but they’re really awesome in the ring. They’re kicking butt, and they’re strong and empowering. Nicole, I think that’s our calling!'”

Why wrestling was perfect for her: “My sister and I, growing up, always loved to entertain. We loved to put on little skits for our family and friends. … But we were also tremendous athletes and soccer was a big part of our childhood … so WWE was probably the only industry that really fit what my sister and I enjoyed, and that was entertainment and athletics.”

Leaving her dog Josie behind while on the road: “I can’t even express to you how leaving her on Friday mornings is heart-wrenching! And I think about her all weekend long, and I’m like, ‘What is she doing?'”

Talking Bryan’s ear off while on the road: “I’m such a Cathy Chatters. We’ll have a five-hour drive and I’m like ‘Yes! Him alone in a car — I can just express everything and talk to him.’ And I’m sure he’s like ‘Oh gosh, music!'”

On eventually wanting to settle down: “I’m Mexican and Italian. I want to raise my babies, I want to be home with them every day. And I’m excited for when that chapter in my life happens.”

You can read the full interview at the Democrat and Chronicle.

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