Thursday, July 25, 2024

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“Broken Promoter Wrestling” – Making a bad situation a whole lot worse

This past week British indie wrestling company Broken Ring Wrestling caused quite a stir on the BritWres scene for all the wrong reasons, drawing immense “heat” in the process. It all started when booked wrestlers Jayde and Chakara posted screenshots of interactions between themselves and the promoter of BRW. In the interaction the promoter asked for their phone number in case of emergency, Jayde and Chakara refused saying that it was just as easy to contact them via messenger and such. The promoter insisted stating it was “no nagotable” and continued to ask for their personal phone numbers despite their refusal.

Both wrestlers then called him out for his behaviour via screengrabs of the conversation and what followed next not only caused waves throughout the BritWres scene but has to go down as the most irresponsible twitter use ever. Not only did he defend his incessant and aggressive behaviour but then went on to post some bizarre, offensive and downright stupid responses to people questioning his actions, with many boycotting the show and even calling the venue to report his behaviour. The show went ahead as planned on Saturday night but without Jayde and Chakara.

The promoter just didn’t know when to stop and just kept on digging himself deeper and deeper even referencing the “family-friendly fun” within tweets about cancer and suicide.

Regardless of gender if you ask for someone’s personal details and they say no you respect them and their decision, end of discussion. And then you certainly don’t go on some weird defensive where you reference cancer and suicide and pass them off as “jokes”. This is not the way to promote a show or interact with anyone. Talk about making a bad situation worse!

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