Thursday, February 6, 2025

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ClickWrestle Match of the Week: Ivory vs Tori

Each week, we’re going to trawl through the archives at ClickWrestle to bring you one featured women’s bout that we think you should all check out! Don’t forget, all Diva Dirt readers now receive an exclusive 10% off offer on all matches at ClickWrestle so be sure to use it!

This week, we have two former WWE Divas going at it. They’ve had some memorable matches in WWE including a street fight on SmackDown but this match in Puerto Rican promotion International Wrestling Association perhaps raises the bar on anything they’ve done in WWE. Ironically, the match took place in December 1999 while both were still under contract to WWE in a time where the stars apparently got to book outside gigs here and there. Watch a preview below:

The match took place around the time Tori played Kane’s girlfriend on WWE television and we kick off with some teasing from Ivory on the microphone before Tori takes charge. After some fault starts with Ivory trying to high-tail it, there’s a great brawl on the outside of the ring with each Diva showing their intensity. A great match that shows just why Ivory is a celebrated Women’s Champion — her ring work and the way she plays off the crowd [even in a foreign country] is great.

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