Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Deonna Purrazzo defeats Rok-C to become the ROH Women’s Champion in IMPACT! main event

The Virtuosa vs. The Prodigy took place on this week’s IMPACT in the show’s main event.

It was a Winner Take All Match that saw Deonna Purrazzo become the new ROH Women’s World Champion after defeating Rok-C. This makes her a double champion as she is also the AAA Reina de Reinas Champion.

The bout between the two champions was certainly one to watch. As the match came to its conclusion, it was a fight between finishers.

After Rok-C wasn’t able to land another Code Rok, Purrazzo locked in the Fujiwara Armbar. Rok countered into a submission of her own, the Rok Lock before Purrazzo inched her way to the ropes. So that Purrazzo wouldn’t cause a rope break, Rok used her feet to push back but lost her submission hold. Purrazzo locked her back into the armbar.

As Rok was fading, she grabbed the referee by his pant leg so that he wouldn’t call for the bell as she wasn’t ready to give up. Purrazzo took advantage of this and transferred from the armbar into the Venus Di Milo. Rok would eventually shake her head signaling defeat.

After the match, Maria Kanellis Bennett entered the ring and had some words with Purrazzo. Shortly thereafter, the men of ROH who have been invading IMPACT since Hard to Kill appeared as Matthew Rehwoldt entered the ring to save Purrazzo.

Rok-C came into this match as the inaugural ROH champion. She won the title in the finals of the ROH Quest for Gold Tournament where she beat Miranda Alize at Death Before Dishonor in September. She held the belt for 119-days.

The newest Knockout Masha Slamovich was also in action this week. She made her official debut last week and made short work of Sandra Moone. Following suit with her dominance, she made quick work of Vert Vixen this week. After the match, she made her way to the back and had a glance back and forth with Josh Alexander as he made his way to the ring.

A backstage segment took place between The Influence and Decay. The Influence was supposed to get a title opportunity for the Knockouts World Tag Team Titles at Hard to Kill. The champs, The IInspiration, weren’t able to make it due to COVID exposure so the match was postponed. They will meet at the next tapings and the match will air on Jan. 27.

Prior to that, The Influence mocked the champs for being lazy and not coming to work. Decay appeared and the two teams are set to meet next week in the meantime.

As the two Knockouts who hand their hand on the “X” in the Ultimate X match, Chelsea Green and the winner of that match Tasha Steelz had a few words backstage. They will meet next week.

Upcoming Knockouts Matches –

Jan. 20 – Chelsea Green vs. Tasha Steelz, The Influence vs. Decay

Jan. 27 – The IInspiration (c) vs. The Influence – Knockouts World Tag Team Title

IMPACT’s next filming dates will be the weekend of Jan. 21 & 22.

Check back in with Diva Dirt for all of your future news and results from the Knockouts of IMPACT.

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