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Exclusive: SHIMMER Champion MsChif Speaks to Diva Dirt

Diva Dirt‘s Steven had a chance to speak with SHIMMER Champion, MsChif in an exclusive interview. MsChif discusses her thoughts on WWE/TNA, her gimmick and who she’d want to lose her title to.

First off, thank you MsChif for taking the time out to do this interview with us. Let’s get right into things: What inspired you to get into wrestling?
I wanted to do something challenging, athletic and fun.

Who are some of your idols in the ring, past or present?
Bruiser Brody, Undertaker, and Legion of Doom.

Anyone who has seen your matches in SHIMMER has probably said: “Why hasn’t WWE or TNA signed her yet?” Have either promotion ever contacted you?
I have heard from TNA, wanting me to come down there before but I’m not interested in either.

Speaking of WWE/TNA, do you keep up with their products? Is there anyone on those rosters you’re interested in facing?
No, I don’t.  I’ve already faced many of the ladies in TNA.

With the way women are portrayed in professional wrestling these days, do you find it difficult to gain respect in the wrestling world?
Is it still portrayed badly?  Wow, I was hoping things were getting better. Especially with TNA hiring a bunch of talented women’s wrestlers.  Hard work gains respect, I really haven’t seen much disrespect my way.

You have a lot of unique and unorthodox maneuvers in your repertoire. How do you go about developing your moveset?
I do have a move which I modified from Tekken 3 back when I played that on the PlayStation 2, but really it’s just things that come to me.  I’ll just think up moves and see if they can actually work.  If not, I’ll modify it until it does.

Speaking of which, how do you respond to Internet gossip among fans that WWE Diva, Melina has ‘stolen’ some of your moveset?
[Laughs] Ah well… SHIMMER is out there!  Besides, since I have no interest in WWE nor TNA, looks like I won’t be using them on TV.  Code Green is one I’ve heard about and well, I didn’t invent it.  However the style it’s done…

Aside from your in-ring style, you have a very different gimmick and personal style. What’s the story behind that?
It came from within. You could say it comes from a mix of my love for horror movies and black metal music.

One of the most notable feuds in SHIMMER history was between Cheerleader Melissa and yourself. Afterward, the two of you became allies. Do you prefer being teammates or opponents?
Both. She’s excellent on both sides. Even while teaming with her, there are still plenty of other ladies who are awesome to wrestle.

Who are your favorite opponents in SHIMMER or otherwise?
That’s really a question I can’t give a good answer to. What do I base it on? How the match plays off characters? How challenging it is? How much of a story that’s told behind it? I can’t choose one, for many different reasons there are several ladies I’ve loved facing in the ring.

You have been the SHIMMER Champion for well over a year, which is unprecedented today. It kind of hearkens back to the old days of wrestling. How do you feel about that?
Elated! It’s quite an awesome achievement.

You have 11 title defenses under your belt to date. If you had to lose your title to anyone, who would you want it to be?
Daizee Haze. We broke into the business together. We have years of history between us, whether it was wrestling against one another or teaming up on the same side. She’d make an excellent champion. Nothing bothers me more than when people write her off just thinking, “Oh, she’s too small.” What? Seriously? Look at the body that the woman has achieved! Hell, she’s stronger than I am.  She would deserve it, she’s an amazing wrestler.

One of your opponents, Serena Deeb who you successfully defeated on Volume 23, is now with WWE. How do you think she’ll fare there and what do you expect from her as a Diva?
It all depends on how WWE uses her. She’s definitely one of the best. If they use her to showcase that, then she’ll prove it and succeed. I just hope they do and don’t hold her down.

If you could take any girl from one of the mainstream promotions under your wing, who would it be and why?
MsChif: I don’t keep up on who’s there.

What can we expect from MsChif in the near future and where do you see yourself in a year from now?
Doing my best to hold onto all three titles I currently have.  Two of the titles I currently hold are the SHIMMER Women Athletes title and the NWA World Women’s title, which I won the night after winning the SHIMMER title. That’s the greatest achievement possible to me. As I won’t go to WWE or TNA, I couldn’t possibly ask for more. Unless someone wants to fund SHIMMER and put it on TV!  [Laughs]

What have you learned in your years in the industry thus far? Any advice you’d like to pass on to other female wrestlers or aspiring ones that may be reading this?
Hard work and dedication does pay off. If it’s your passion, then go all out for it. If you want wrestling as a way of life, have a backup plan. It won’t happen for everyone.

That just about wraps things up here. Thanks again for taking the time out. Any parting words for your fans and followers here at Diva Dirt?

You can watch MsChif in the main event of SHIMMER Volume 24 which is on DVD now, click here to order. For more SHIMMER DVDs, click here.

For more on MsChif, please visit her official website

– Click here to download MsChif matches

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