Friday, February 14, 2025

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FCW Diva Wesley Holiday Debuts on ECW

If you were watching ECW tonight, you might have noticed a bright young face interviewing folks backstage, going by the name of Courtney Taylor. She would be Beverly Mullins, better known to FCW fans as Wesley Holiday. Phew, did I list out enough aliases for you?

A former Hooters model (Oh dear..), Courtney had been training in FCW for some time, being used largely in a managerial role for Superstar Alex Riley. The pair had participated in dark matches in the past few television tapings. We’ll see if this interviewer role sticks, or if she’ll actually spawn into an official ECW Diva. Personally, I can’t say I see much of a promising future in interviewing ECW Superstars week in, week out. Though I must admit, it’s always exciting to see new Divas being born.

Random observation (blatantly stealing from Melanie here): Does she look a bit like Melissa Joan Hart to you? I’m getting Sabrina the Teenage Witch vibes.

EDIT: Watch Courtney’s debut below:

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