Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Gail Kim Talks More About Quitting WWE, Would Like to Return to TNA

Former WWE Diva Gail Kim spoke to The Sun in the UK this week about her WWE departure and more. A lot of the ground covered is what we already knew from the shoot interview on Wednesday, however, now we can actually attribute quotes to Gail instead of recapping what was said.

On quitting WWE, Gail says:

“The night of the Battle Royal where I eliminated myself, it was ten minutes before Raw ended, and I pulled Johnny (Laurinaitis) aside. It was right after his first on-air segment, and I told him ‘I just want to give you my notice. I’m quitting.’

“He was surprised and said ‘You’re putting this on me ten minutes before Raw ends?’

“There were words between us. Nothing bad – even though you might hear bad things about Johnny, I understand what his job is. I have never felt in any way afraid to talk to him about how I feel.

“So I just told him. I told him I felt held down and just ready to move on. I said ‘I don’t want your money; I just want to be free. Free to do whatever I want.’

“Johnny said ‘I’ll have to get clearance for you to quit, it shouldn’t be a problem.’ Of course it was a problem, and they didn’t want me to work anywhere else, so I had to stay at home.”

On the battle royal where she eliminated herself, Gail admits that perhaps it was childish. She says:

“It was a very controversial thing,” she said. “A lot of people said that they lost respect for me because I was unprofessional. But unless anyone walks in your shoes they do not what you feel.

“I can admit that maybe it was a childish thing to do. But I would not take it back. I was disrespected many times by the company, and when you get disrespected that many times there is only so much you can take.”

On whether she’d return to TNA, Gail cites an interview she did for the Knockouts DVD a few years ago, where she said she’d like to end her career there. Gail says:

“I’m not retiring from wrestling, I can say that. I always said – I said it in my last interview with TNA on a Knockout’s DVD – that I always felt like I would return there one day. I’d love to finish up my career there.

Read more here.

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